Multi-Modal Similarity Matrix Factorization for Integrative Multi-Omics Data Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘M2SMF’ version 2.0

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affinityMatrix To calculate the similarity matrix
Cal_NMI calculate the normalized mutual information.
cost Calculate the cost
dist2bin Calculate the agreement-based measurement
dist2chi Calculate the chi-squared distance
dist2eu Calculate the Euclidean distance
initialization initialize the sub-matrix Ci into alpha*Li by SVD
initialize_WL Initialize from the similairty matrix list
M2SMF the main part for M2SMF and clustering result
new_modularity Calculate the modularity
simu_data_gen Generate simulated data
Standard_Normalization Normalize the input matrix by column
update_alpha the function to update alpha
update_L the function to update Li, for i=1,2,...,N