LogConcDEAD-package |
Computes a log-concave (maximum likelihood) estimator for i.i.d. data in any number of dimensions |
cov.LogConcDEAD |
Compute the covariance matrix of a log-concave maximum likelihood estimator |
dlcd |
Evaluation of a log-concave maximum likelihood estimator at a point |
dmarglcd |
Evaluate the marginal of multivariate log-concave maximum likelihood estimators at a point |
dslcd |
Evaluation of a smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimator at given points |
EMmixlcd |
Estimate the mixture proportions and component densities using EM algorithm |
getinfolcd |
Construct an object of class LogConcDEAD |
getweights |
Find appropriate weights for likelihood calculations |
hatA |
Compute the smoothing matrix of the smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimator |
interactive2D |
A GUI for classification in two dimensions using smoothed log-concave |
interplcd |
Evaluate the log-concave maximum likelihood estimator of 2-d data on a grid for plotting |
interpmarglcd |
Finds marginals of multivariate logconcave maximum likelihood estimators by integrating |
LogConcDEAD |
Computes a log-concave (maximum likelihood) estimator for i.i.d. data in any number of dimensions |
mlelcd |
Compute the maximum likelihood estimator of a log-concave density |
plot.LogConcDEAD |
Plot a log-concave maximum likelihood estimator |
print.LogConcDEAD |
Summarizing log-concave maximum likelihood estimator |
rlcd |
Sample from a log-concave maximum likelihood estimate |
rslcd |
Sample from a smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimate |
summary.LogConcDEAD |
Summarizing log-concave maximum likelihood estimator |