HollywoodMovies2013 {Lock5Data} | R Documentation |
Hollywood Movies - 2013
Data on movies released in Hollywood between 2007 and 2013
A dataset with 970 observations on the following 16 variables.
Movie | Title of movie |
LeadStudio | Studio that released the movie |
RottenTomatoes | Rotten Tomatoes rating (reviewers) |
AudienceScore | Audience rating (via Rotten Tomatoes) |
Story | General theme - one of 21 themes |
Genre | One of 14 possible genres |
TheatersOpenWeek | Number of screens for opening weekend |
OpeningWeekend | Opening weekend gross (in $ millions) |
BOAverageOpenWeek | Average opening week box office income (per theater) |
DomesticGross | Gross income for domestic viewers (in $ millions) |
ForeignGross | Gross income for foreign viewers (in $ millions) |
WorldGross | Gross income for all viewers (in $ millions) |
Budget | Production budget (in $ millions) |
Profitability | WorldGross as a percentage of Budget |
OpenProfit | Percentage of budget recovered on opening weekend |
Year | Year the movie was released |
Information from 970 movies released from Hollywood between 2007 and 2013.
** From 2e - dataset has been updated for 3e **
McCandless, D., "Most Profitable Hollywood Movies" from "Information is Beautiful" at
http://www.informationisbeautiful,net.data/ and
[Package Lock5Data version 3.0.0 Index]