AllCountries1e {Lock5Data}R Documentation

AllCountries - 1e


Data on the countries of the world


A dataset with 213 observations on the following 18 variables.

Country Name of the country
Code Three letter country code
LandArea Size in sq. kilometers
Population Population in millions
Energy Energy usage (kilotons of oil)
Rural Percentage of population living in rural areas
Military Percentage of government expenditures directed toward the military
Health Percentage of government expenditures directed towards healthcare
HIV Percentage of the population with HIV
Internet Percentage of the population with access to the internet
Developed Categories for kilowatt hours per capita, 1= under 2500, 2=2500 to 5000, 3=over 5000
BirthRate Births per 1000 people
ElderlyPop Percentage of the population at least 65 years old
LifeExpectancy Average life expectancy (years)
CO2 CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)
GDP Gross Domestic Product (per capita)
Cell Cell phone subscriptions (per 100 people)
Electricity Electric power consumption (kWh per capita)


Most data from 2008 to avoid many missing values in more recent years.
** From 1e - dataset has been updated for 2e **


Data collected from the World Bank website,

[Package Lock5Data version 3.0.0 Index]