framingham {LocalControl} | R Documentation |
Framingham heart study data extract on smoking and hypertension.
Data collected over a 24 year study suitable for competing risks survival analysis of hypertension and death as a function of smoking.
A data frame with 2316 rows and 11 columns:
- female
Sex of the patient. 1=female, 0=male.
- totchol
Total cholesterol of patient at study entry.
- age
Age of the patient at study entry.
- bmi
Patient body mass index.
- BPVar
Average units of systolic and diastolic blood pressure above normal: ((SystolicBP-120)/2) + (DiasystolicBP-80)
- heartrte
Patient heartrate taken at study entry.
- glucose
Patient blood glucose level.
- cursmoke
Whether or not the patient was a smoker at the time of study entry.
- outcome
Did the patient die, experience hypertension, or leave the study without experiencing either event.
- time_outcome
The time at which the patient experienced outcome.
- cigpday
Number of cigarettes smoked per day at time of study entry.
Dawber TR, Meadors GF, Moore FE Jr. Epidemiological approaches to heart disease: the Framingham Study. Am J Public Health Nations Health. 1951;41(3):279-281.
Teaching Datasets - Public Use Datasets.