UPSivadj {LocalControl}R Documentation

Instrumental Variable LATE Linear Fitting in Unsupervised Propensiy Scoring


For a given number of patient clusters in baseline X-covariate space and a specified Y-outcome variable, linearly smooth the distribution of Local Average Treatment Effects (LATEs) plotted versus Within-Cluster Treatment Selection (PS) Percentages.


UPSivadj(envir, numclust)



name of the working local control classic environment.


Number of clusters in baseline X-covariate space.


Multiple calls to UPSivadj(n) for varying numbers of clusters n are made after first invoking UPShclus() to hierarchically cluster patients in X-space and then invoking UPSaccum() to specify a Y outcome variable and a two-level treatment factor t. UPSivadj(n) linearly smoothes the LATE distribution when plotted versus within cluster propensity score percentages.


An output list object of class UPSivadj:


Bob Obenchain <>


Imbens GW, Angrist JD. (1994) Identification and Estimation of Local Average Treatment Effects (LATEs). Econometrica 62: 467-475.

Obenchain RL. (2004) Unsupervised Propensity Scoring: NN and IV Plots. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association (on CD) 8 pages.

Obenchain RL. (2011) USPSinR.pdf USPS R-package vignette, 40 pages.-

McClellan M, McNeil BJ, Newhouse JP. (1994) Does More Intensive Treatment of Myocardial Infarction in the Elderly Reduce Mortality?: Analysis Using Instrumental Variables. JAMA 272: 859-866.

Rosenbaum PR, Rubin RB. (1983) The Central Role of the Propensity Score in Observational Studies for Causal Effects. Biometrika 70: 41-55.

See Also

UPSnnltd, UPSaccum and UPSgraph.

[Package LocalControl version 1.1.3 Index]