Models the Capture Processes in American Lobster Trap Fishery

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Documentation for package ‘LobsterCatch’ version 0.1.0

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catchability This function calculates the probability of entry into a trap, also known as catchability. It includes the parameters described in Addison and Bell (1997), and can also incorporate the length of the catch while calculating the catchability.
directionalMove This function models movement of lobsters toward the trap.The distance of lobsters to trap determines the magnitude of those moves. As lobster gets closer to the trap, the magnitude of its directional move becomes larger and the random move becomes smaller.
dispersion This function calculates the variance to mean ratio (also known as dispersion index).
distanceToClosestTrap The function finds the closest trap to a lobster and calculates the distance.
distanceToTrapCalculator This function calculates the Euclidean distance between Trap(s) and each lobster. The function is internally called in 'distanceToClosestTrap' function.
GetSimOutput This function extracts the results of simulation.
initialLobsterGrid This function simulates an arena (or grid) with lobsters in it based on the provided density, size and sex distribution.
LobsterSizeFreqs Lobster size frequency data
randomMove The function randomly selects an angle (0:360) and moves the lobster. This function is called when a lobster is outside the area of influence.
replicateCoordinates This function replicates the coordinates where there are multiple lobsters
rpoisD This function generates a Poisson or a negative binomial distribution for lobsters in the arena
SimulateLobsterMovement Function to run the simulation based on defined parameters
trapInPath This function determines if lobster gets into a trap and is caught.
updateGrid This function updates the coordinate of each lobster at each timestep,