For Implementation of Feed Reduction, Learning Examples, NLP and Code Management

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Documentation for package ‘LilRhino’ version 1.2.2

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Binary_Network Binary Decision Neural Network Wrapper
Bootstrap_Data_Frame A function for bootstraping textual data so that all levels have the same number of entries.
Bootstrap_Vocab An internal function for Bootstrap_Data_Frame.
Codes_done For announcing when code is done.
Cross_val_maker For Creating a test and train set from a whole set
Feed_Reduction A Function for converting data into approximations of probability space.
Load_Glove_Embeddings Function for loading in pre-trained or personal word embedding softwares.
Monty_Hall Monty Hall Simulator
Nearest_Centroid For performing the nearest centroid problem (with modifications) on MNST data specifically (general to come)
Num_Al_Sep Number/alpha numeric seperator for strings.
Percent Percent of confusion matrix
Pretreatment Pretreatment of textual documents for NLP.
Random_Brains Random Brains: Neural Network Implementation of Random Forest
Sentence_Vector Function for extracting the sentence vector from an embeddings matrix.
Stopword_Maker For the finding of the $N$ most populous words in a corpus.
Table_percent Table Percent
Vector_Puller Function for extacting word vectors from embeddings.