opf2svm |
Converts an OPF subGraph object to a LIBSVM file |
opf2txt |
Converts an OPF subGraph object to a text file |
opf_accuracy |
Computes the OPF accuracy |
opf_accuracy4label |
Computes the OPF accuracy for each class of a given set |
opf_check |
Checks the OPF file for proper formatting purposes |
opf_classify |
Executes the test phase of the OPF classifier |
opf_cluster |
Computes clusters by unsupervised OPF |
opf_create_subGraph |
Creates an empty subGraph structure |
opf_distance |
Generates the precomputed distance file for the OPF classifier |
opf_fold |
Generates k folds (objects) for the OPF classifier |
opf_info |
Gives information about the OPF file |
opf_knn_classify |
Executes the test phase of the OPF classifier with knn adjacency |
opf_knn_train |
Executes the training phase of the OPF classifier with knn adjacency |
opf_learn |
Executes the learning phase of the OPF classifier |
opf_merge |
Merge subGraphs |
opf_normalize |
Normalizes data for the OPF classifier |
opf_pruning |
Executes the pruning algorithm |
opf_read_classification |
Reads a file which contains the nodes' predicted labels |
opf_read_distances |
Reads a file which contains the precalculated distances |
opf_read_modelfile |
Reads a file which contains the learned model |
opf_read_subGraph |
Reads a file which contains the subGraph |
opf_run_example |
Runs an usage example |
opf_semi |
Executes the semi supervised training phase |
opf_split |
Generates training, evaluation and test sets for the OPF classifier |
opf_train |
Executes the training phase of the OPF classifier |
opf_write_classification |
Writes into a file the predicted labels produced by the opf classificator |
opf_write_distances |
Writes into a file the precalculated distances computed by opf_distances function |
opf_write_modelfile |
Writes into a file the trained OPF classifier |
opf_write_subGraph |
Writes into a file a subGraph |
SNode |
Subgraphs' node class |
SNode-class |
Subgraphs' node class |
subGraph |
Subgraph class |
subGraph-class |
Subgraph class |
svm2opf |
Converts a LIBSVM file to an OPF subGraph object |
txt2opf |
Converts a text file to an OPF subGraph object |