FractalSegment {LearnGeom}R Documentation

Plots a fractal curve starting from a segment


FractalSegment plots the first iterations of a fractal curve, starting from a segment in the plane


FractalSegment(P1, P2, angle, cut1, cut2, f, it)



Vector containing the xy-coordinates of point 1. This point is the left extreme of the segment that corresponds to the first iteration (it = 1)


Vector containing the xy-coordinates of point 2. This point is the right extreme of the segment that corresponds to the first iteration (it = 1)


Angle (0-360) that determines the angle with which the new segments are drawn at the cut points


Number bigger than 0 and smaller than 1 that indicates the proportional part of the segment at which the first cut occurs. This parameter determines the position of the first cut point


Number bigger than 0 and smaller than 1 that indicates the proportional part of the segment at which the second cut occurs. This parameter determines the position of the second cut point


Positive number that produces an enlargement or a reduction for the new drawn segment in each iteration


Number of iterations to be performed for the construction of the fractal curve. It is not recommended to choose a number higher than 7 in order to avoid an excess of computation


None. It produces the plot of the first n iterations of a fractal curve in the current coordinate plane. The choice of parameters cut1 = 1/3, cut2 = 2/3, angle = 60 and f = 1 produces the Koch curve



x_min <- -6
x_max <- 6
y_min <- -4
y_max <- 8
CoordinatePlane(x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max)
P1 <- c(-5,0)
P2 <- c(5,0)
angle <- 90
cut1 <- 1/3
cut2 <- 2/3
f <- 1
it <- 4
FractalSegment(P1, P2, angle, cut1, cut2, f, it)

[Package LearnGeom version 1.5 Index]