gridList-class {LatticeKrig}R Documentation

Class "gridList". A description of a regular and multidimensional grid.


This object is mainly designed to work with methods that take a set of locations organized on a grid. The object is a list where there are as many components as dimensions and each list component is a vector of values being the grid points in that dimension. It is consistent with the older use of the older grid.list format used in the fields package. This form is somewhat redundant because for an equally spaced grid all one needs is the beginning value, spacing and number of points but it makes it simpler to pass the grid information to functions such as image and contour.





A gridList object.

Objects from the Class

This object is a list where each component is a vector of grid points in a particular dimension. For example

grid<- structure(list( x= seq( -1,1,,20), y= seq( 0,1,,15)), class= "gridList"

would create this object for a 2d grid with 20 and 15 points over the ranges [-1,1] and [0,1]. The component names ( "x" and "y" in this case) are optional.

The function gridListInfo extracts some summary information that is used to support the summary function for this class.



signature(x1 = "matrix", x2 = "gridList", delta = "numeric"): ...


Doug Nychka

See Also

LKrigDistance and LKrigDistGrid LKrigLatticeCenters


# a 3-d grid
grid<- structure(
 list( x= seq( -1,1,,20), y= seq( 0,1,,15) ,oneMore = 1:10) ,
 class= "gridList" )

[Package LatticeKrig version 8.4 Index]