LKrigSetupAlpha {LatticeKrig}R Documentation

Creates the alpha parameter list in LatticeKrig covariance.


This function is called by LKrigSetup and creates the list for the alpha parameters based on the information from the call to LKrigSetup and additional information and conditions related to the geometry.


LKrigSetupAlpha(object, ...)
## Default S3 method:
LKrigSetupAlpha(object, ...)



The partial LKinfo object created within LKrigSetup


Any additional arguments to this method


The main function of this method is to fill in the sequence of alpha values for a parametric model and convert those values to a list instead of a vector. In the case that the scalar nu is supplied it is used to create the list according to:

	alpha <- exp(-2 * (1:nlevel) * nu)
    alpha <- alpha/sum(alpha)
    as.list( alpha)


A list with nlevel components each representing the alpha values at that level. In the simplest case a vector of alpha values is converted to a list.

  LKinfo<- LKrigSetup( x, alpha=c( 1,.2,.01),
                   nlevel=3, a.wght=4.5, NC= 3)
  LKrigSetupAlpha( LKinfo)
[1] 1
[1] 0.2
[1] 0.01


Doug Nychka

See Also

LKrigSetup, LKrigSetupAwght, LKrigSAR, LKrig


# an x that is just the limits of the domain	
  x<- cbind( c(0,1), c(0,1))
  LKinfo<- LKrigSetup( x, alpha=c( 1,.2,.01),
                   nlevel=3, a.wght=4.5, NC= 3)
  alphaList<- LKrigSetupAlpha( LKinfo)

  LKinfo<- LKrigSetup( x, nu=1, nlevel=4, a.wght=4.5, NC= 4)
  alphaList<- LKrigSetupAlpha( LKinfo)

[Package LatticeKrig version 8.4 Index]