Lahman-package |
Sean Lahman's Baseball Database |
AllstarFull |
AllstarFull table |
Appearances |
Appearances table |
AwardsManagers |
AwardsManagers table |
AwardsPlayers |
AwardsPlayers table |
AwardsShareManagers |
AwardsShareManagers table |
AwardsSharePlayers |
AwardsSharePlayers table |
Batting |
Batting table |
battingLabels |
Variable Labels |
BattingPost |
BattingPost table |
battingStats |
Calculate additional batting statistics |
CollegePlaying |
CollegePlaying table |
Fielding |
Fielding table |
fieldingLabels |
Variable Labels |
FieldingOF |
FieldingOF table |
FieldingOFsplit |
FieldingOFsplit table |
FieldingPost |
FieldingPost data |
HallOfFame |
Hall of Fame Voting Data |
HomeGames |
HomeGames table |
Label |
Extract the Label for a Variable |
Lahman |
Sean Lahman's Baseball Database |
LahmanData |
Lahman Datasets |
Managers |
Managers table |
ManagersHalf |
ManagersHalf table |
Parks |
Parks table |
People |
People table |
Pitching |
Pitching table |
pitchingLabels |
Variable Labels |
PitchingPost |
PitchingPost table |
playerInfo |
Lookup Information for Players and Teams |
Salaries |
Salaries table |
Schools |
Schools table |
SeriesPost |
SeriesPost table |
teamInfo |
Lookup Information for Players and Teams |
Teams |
Teams table |
TeamsFranchises |
TeamFranchises table |
TeamsHalf |
TeamsHalf table |