StatClusterData {LabourMarketAreas}R Documentation



This function computes several statistics on a given set of labour market areas (a given partition).





A list of data.table containing information on the labour market areas. Three components: clusterList, LWClus and marginals. clusterList is a data.table containing the variables community, cluster and EMP_live; everything else will be ignored. LWClus is a data.table containing the variables cluster_live, cluster_work and amount; everything else will be ignored. marginals is a data.table containing the variables cluster, amount_live and amount_work; everything else will be ignored.

In each data.table object, the order of the variables is mandatory.

The lma names should have not been assigned; otherwise use function DeleteLmaName.


numeric vector: the set of parameters corresponding to the lma object, i.e. minSZ,minSC,tarSZ,tarSC, respectively. See function findClusters.


numeric. It is used to identify particular small labour market areas or flows.


data frame/data.table containing the commuting flows between communities (see for example Sardinia).


A list with the following components:


data.table containing the following variables for each LMA.

LMA: positive integer; labour market areas ID

EMP_live: numeric; number of commuters who live in the area

EMP_work: numeric; number of commuters working in the area

validity: numeric; validity value computed with the current parameters

EMP_live_work: numeric; number of commuters living and working in the area

lma_commuter_percent: numeric; the quantity: (EMP_live-EMP_live_work)+(EMP_work-EMP_live_work)/(2*EMP_live_work)

Home_Work_Ratio: numeric; the quantity (( EMP_live-EMP_live_work)-( EMP_work-EMP_live_work))/EMP_live_work

SC_demand_side: numeric; demand side self-containment

SC_supply_side: numeric; supply side self-containment

N_com: integer; number of communities forming the LMA

InternalCohesionLink: numeric; consistency of internal relationships. It is given by the ratio between number of links between communities inside LMA, excluding itself, and the maximum number of possible links, i.e. (N_com * (N_com-1)). See [1].

InternalCohesionFlows: numeric; intensity of internal relationships. It is the percentage of internal flows (excluding flows having as origin and destination the same node) of the LMA between different communities w.r.t the total internal flows. See [3].

NbCentralComm: integer; number of communities having a centrality index greater than 1 (for communities with more than 100 workers, the centrality index is the ratio between net incoming flows and net outgoing flows).

N_links_in: integer; number of LMAs whose residents work in the current LMA (including itself)

N_links_out: integer; number of LMAs where the residents of the current LMA work (including itself)


list containing several statistics on flows and links between the labour market areas of the given partition.

N_links: numeric; number of links between LMAs

PercNbLinksLessThreshold: numeric; percentage of links corresponding to flows below threshold

summFlows: numeric vector; summary statistics on flows

summFlowsNoItself: numeric vector; summary statistics on flows, excluding the self-flows

summLinks_in: numeric vector; summary statistics on the number of incoming flows

summLinks_out: summary statistics on the number of outgoing flows

clusterMaxNlinks_in: positive integer; the LMA ID of the cluster reaching the maximum number of incoming flows

clusterMaxNlinks_out: positive integer; the LMA ID of the cluster reaching the maximum number of outgoing flows

clusterMinNlinks_in: positive integer; the LMA ID of the cluster reaching the minimum number of incoming flows

clusterMinNlinks_out: positive integer; the LMA ID of the cluster reaching the minimum number of outgoing flows


list containing several statistics on the given partition:

NbClusters: integer; number of clusters

NbClusterUniqueCom: integer; number of clusters with an unique community

NbClustersValidLess1: integer; number of clusters with validity smaller than 1

NbClustersNoCentralCom: integer; number of clusters with no communities having a centrality measure greater than 1

Mean.SC_demand_side: numeric; mean of the demand side self-containment of the clusters in the partition

Std.SC_demand_side: numeric; standard deviation of the demand side self-containment

Mean.SC_supply_side: numeric; mean of the supply side self-containment of the clusters in the partition

Std.SC_supply_side: numeric; standard deviation of the supply side self-containment

Q1.InternalCohesionFlows: numeric; first quartile of the InternalCohesionFlows

Q2.InternalCohesionFlows: numeric; median of the InternalCohesionFlows

Q3.InternalCohesionFlows: numeric; third quartile of the InternalCohesionFlows

Q1.InternalCohesionLink: numeric; first quartile of the InternalCohesionLink

Q2.InternalCohesionLink: numeric; median of the InternalCohesionLink

Q3.InternalCohesionLink: numeric; third quartile of the InternalCohesionLink

Q1.EMP_live: numeric; first quartile of the residents

Q2.EMP_live: numeric; median of the residents

Q3.EMP_live: numeric; third quartile of the residents

Mean.EMP_live: numeric; mean value of the residents

Std.EMP_live: numeric; standard deviation of the residents

Min.EMP_live: numeric; minimum value of the residents

Max.EMP_live: numeric; maximum value of the residents

Q1.EMP_work: numeric; first quartile of the workers/jobs

Q2.EMP_work: numeric; median of the workers/jobs

Q3.EMP_work: numeric; third quartile of the workers/jobs

Mean.EMP_work: numeric; mean value of the workers

Std.EMP_work: numeric; standard deviation of the workers

Min.EMP_work: numeric; minimum value of the workers

Max.EMP_work: numeric; maximum value of the workers

Q1.EMP_live_work: numeric; first quartile of the commuters living and working in the same area

Q2.EMP_live_work: numeric; median of the commuters living and working in the same area

Q3.EMP_live_work: numeric; third quartile of the the commuters living and working in the same area

Min.EMP_live_work: numeric; minimum value of the commuters living and working in the same area

Max.EMP_live_work: numeric; maximum value of the commuters living and working in the same area

Mean.lma_commuter_percent: numeric; mean value of the quantity: (EMP_live-EMP_live_work)+(EMP_work-EMP_live_work)/(2*EMP_live_work)

Std.lma_commuter_percent: numeric; standard deviation of the quantity (EMP_live-EMP_live_work)+(EMP_work-EMP_live_work)/(2*EMP_live_work)

Mean.Home_Work_Ratio: numeric; mean value of the quantity (( EMP_live-EMP_live_work)-( EMP_work-EMP_live_work))/EMP_live_work Std.Home_Work_Ratio: numeric; standard deviation of the quantity (( EMP_live-EMP_live_work)-( EMP_work-EMP_live_work))/EMP_live_work

Q_modularity: numeric; Q_modularity index


numeric vector; it contains the parameters of the given solution, i.e. the output of the function findClusters. The parameters are minSZ,minSC,tarSZ,tarSC.


Daniela Ichim, Luisa Franconi, Michele D'Alo'


[1] Erba, A., D'Angio', A. e Marzulli, S. (1990). Partizioni funzionali del territorio: il modello Isers, Franco Angeli, Milano.

[2] Franconi, L., D'Alo' M. and Ichim, D. (2016). Istat implementation of the algorithm to develop Labour Market Areas.

[3] Lipizzi, F. (2014). Strumenti e indicatori per la misura della consistenza e omogeneita' delle aree funzionali. XXXV Conferenza annuale AISRe, "Uscire dalla crisi. Citta', Comunita' e Specializzazione Intelligenti", Padova, 11-13 September 2014.

See Also


[Package LabourMarketAreas version 3.4 Index]