Fast Numerical Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Latent Markov Models

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Documentation for package ‘LaMa’ version 1.0.0

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calc_trackInd Calculate the index of the first observation of each track based on an ID variable
forward Forward algorithm with homogeneous transition probability matrix
forward_g General forward algorithm with time-varying transition probability matrix
forward_p Forward algorithm with (only) periodically varying transition probability matrix
forward_s Forward algorithm for hidden semi-Markov models with homogeneous transition probability matrix
forward_sp Forward algorithm for hidden semi-Markov models with periodically varying transition probability matrices
stateprobs Calculate conditional local state probabilities for homogeneous HMMs
stateprobs_g Calculate conditional local state probabilities for inhomogeneous HMMs
stateprobs_p Calculate conditional local state probabilities for periodically inhomogeneous HMMs
stationary Compute the stationary distribution of a homogeneous Markov chain
stationary_p Compute the periodically stationary distribution of a periodically inhomogeneous Markov chain
tpm Build the transition probability matrix from unconstraint parameter vector
tpm_cont Calculation of continuous time transition probabilities
tpm_g Build all transition probability matrices of an inhomogeneous HMM
tpm_hsmm Build the transition probability matrix of an HSMM-approximating HMM
tpm_p Build all transition probability matrices of a periodically inhomogeneous HMM
tpm_phsmm Build all transition probability matrices of an periodic-HSMM-approximating HMM
tpm_thinned Compute the transition probability matrix of a thinned periodically inhomogeneous Markov chain.
trigBasisExp Trigonometric Basis Expansion
viterbi Viterbi algorithm for decoding states
viterbi_g Viterbi algorithm for decoding states of inhomogeneous HMMs
viterbi_p Viterbi algorithm for decoding states of periodically inhomogeneous HMMs