$-method |
Select a column from a LaF object |
begin |
Go to the beginning of the file |
begin-method |
Go to the beginning of the file |
close-method |
Close the connection to the Large File |
colfreq |
Calculate simple statistics of column |
colfreq-method |
Calculate simple statistics of column |
colmean |
Calculate simple statistics of column |
colmean-method |
Calculate simple statistics of column |
colnmissing |
Calculate simple statistics of column |
colnmissing-method |
Calculate simple statistics of column |
colrange |
Calculate simple statistics of column |
colrange-method |
Calculate simple statistics of column |
colsum |
Calculate simple statistics of column |
colsum-method |
Calculate simple statistics of column |
current_line |
Get the current line in the file |
current_line-method |
Get the current line in the file |
detect_dm_csv |
Automatically detect data models for CSV-files |
determine_nlines |
Determine number of lines in a text file |
get_lines |
Read in specified lines from a text file |
goto |
Go to specified line in the file |
goto-method |
Go to specified line in the file |
laf-class |
Large File object |
laf_column-class |
Column of a Large File Object |
laf_open |
Create a connection to a file using a data model. |
laf_open_csv |
Create a connection to a comma separated value (CSV) file. |
laf_open_fwf |
Create a connection to a fixed width file. |
levels-method |
Get and change the levels of the column in a Large File object |
levels<--method |
Get and change the levels of the column in a Large File object |
names-method |
Get and set the names of the columns in a Large File object |
names<--method |
Get and set the names of the columns in a Large File object |
ncol-method |
Get the number of columns in a Large File object |
next_block |
Read the next block of data from a file. |
next_block-method |
Read the next block of data from a file. |
nrow-method |
Get the number of rows in a Large File object |
process_blocks |
Blockwise processing of file |
process_blocks-method |
Blockwise processing of file |
read_dm |
Read and write data models for LaF |
read_dm_blaise |
Read in Blaise data models |
read_lines |
Read lines from the file |
read_lines-method |
Read lines from the file |
sample_lines |
Read in random lines from a text file |
show-method |
Print the Large File object to screen |
write_dm |
Read and write data models for LaF |
[-method |
Read records from a large file object into R |
[[-method |
Select a column from a LaF object |