set_paramLWFB90 {LWFBrook90R}R Documentation

Create the list of model parameters


Create the list of model parameters





Named arguments to be included in return value.


A list with model parameters for use as param_b90-argument in run_LWFB90.

List of input parameters

Name Description Unit Group
czr Ratio of roughness length to mean height for smooth closed canopies for heights greater than HR when LAI>LPC. Default: 0.05 - Canopy
czs Ratio of roughness length to mean height for smooth closed canopies for heights less than HS when LAI>LPC. Default: 0.13 m Canopy
hr Smallest height to which CZR applies. Default: 10 m Canopy
hs Largest height to which CZS applies. Default: 1 m Canopy
lpc Minimum leaf area index defining a closed canopy. Default: 4 - Canopy
lwidth Average leaf width. Default: 0.1 m Canopy
nn Eddy diffusivity extinction coefficient within canopy. Default: 2.5 - Canopy
rhotp Ratio of total leaf area to projected area. Default: 2 - Canopy
zminh Reference height for weather data above the canopy top height. Default: 2 m Canopy
dslope Slope for downslope-flow. Default: 0 deg Flow
bypar Switch to allow (1) or prevent (0) bypass flow in deeper layers. Default: 0 - Flow
drain Switch for lower boundary condition to be free drainage (1) or no flow (0). Default: 1 - Flow
slopelen Slope length for downslope-flow. Default: 200 m Flow
gsc Rate constant for ground water discharge (remember that a first order groundwater reservoir is placed below the soil profile), for value 0 there is no discharge. Default: 0 d-1 Flow
gsp Seepage fraction of groundwater discharge. Default: - Flow
ilayer Number of layers from top to which infiltration is distributed. Default: 0 - Flow
imperv Fraction of area which has an impermeable surface (like roads). Default: 0 - Flow
infexp Shape parameter for distribution of infiltration in first ILayer, for value 0 infiltration is in top layer only. Default: 0 - Flow
qffc Quickflow fraction of infiltrating water at field capacity, for value 0 there is no quickflow (bypass or surface) unless soil profile surface becomes saturated. Default: 0 - Flow
qfpar Quickflow shape parameter. Default: 1 - Flow
qlayer Number of layers which are considered for generation of surface or source area flow. Default: 0 - Flow
gwatini Initial value of groundwater storage. Default: 0 mm Initial
snowini Initial value of water content of snow pack. Default: 0 mm Initial
intrainini Initial value of intercepted rain. Default: 0 mm Initial
intsnowini Initial value of intercepted snow. Default: 0 - Initial
psiini Initial pressure head of soil layers. May have the same length as row.names(soil). Default: -6.3 kPa Initial
cintrl Maximum interception storage of rain per unit LAI. Default: 0.15 mm Interception
cintrs Maximum interception storage of rain per unit SAI. Default: 0.15 mm Interception
cintsl Maximum interception storage of snow per unit LAI. Default: 0.6 mm Interception
cintss Maximum interception storage of snow per unit SAI. Default: 0.6 mm Interception
frintlai Intercepted fraction of rain per unit LAI. Default: 0.06 - Interception
frintsai Intercepted fraction of rain per unit SAI. Default: 0.06 - Interception
fsintlai Intercepted fraction of snow per unit LAI. Default: 0.04 - Interception
fsintsai Intercepted fraction of snow per unit SAI. Default: 0.04 - Interception
pdur Average duration of precipitation events for each month of the year. Default: rep(4,12) hours Interception
alb Albedo of soil/vegetation surface without snow. Default: 0.2 - Meteo
albsn Albedo of soil/vegetation surface with snow. Default: 0.5 - Meteo
c1 Intercept of relation of solar radiation to sunshine duration. Default: 0.25 - Meteo
c2 Intercept of relation of solar radiation to sunshine duration. Default: 0.5 - Meteo
c3 Constant between 0 and 1 that determines the cloud correction to net longwave radiation from sunshine duration. Default: 0.2 - Meteo
fetch Fetch upwind of the weather station at which wind speed was measured. Default: 5000 m Meteo
ksnvp Correction factor for snow evaporation. Default: 0.3 - Meteo
wndrat Average ratio of nighttime to daytime wind speed. Default: 0.3 - Meteo
z0s Surface roughness of snow cover. Default: 0.001 m Meteo
z0w Roughness length at the weather station at which wind speed was measured. Default: 0.005 (Grass) m Meteo
coords_x Longitude value (decimal degrees) of the simulation location (has no effect on simulation results). Default: 9.91 m Meteo
coords_y Latitude value (decimal degrees) of the simulation location. Default: 51.54 m Meteo
zw Height at which wind speed was measured. Default: 2 m Meteo
eslope Slope for evapotranspiration and snowmelt calculation. Default: 0 deg Meteo
aspect Mean exposition of soil surface at soil profile (north: 0, east: 90, south: 180, west: 270). Default: 0 deg Meteo
obsheight Mean height of obstacles on soil surface (grass, furrows etc.), used to calculate soil surface roughness. Default: 0.025 m Meteo
prec_corr_statexp Station exposure situation of prec measurements (passed to correct_prec Default: 'mg' Meteo
dpsimax Maximum potential difference considered equal. Default: 5e-04 kPa Numerical
dswmax Maximum change allowed in SWATI. Default: 0.05 percent of SWATMX Numerical
dtimax Maximum iteration time step. Default: 0.5 d Numerical
budburst_species Name of tree species for estimating budburst doy using Menzel-model (passed to vegperiod) Default: 'Fagus sylvatica' - Plant
budburstdoy Budburst day of year - passed to make_seasLAI. Default: 121 doy Plant
emergedur Leaf growth duration until maxlai is reached.. Default: 28 d Plant
height Plant height. Default: 25 m Plant
height_ini Initial plant height at the beginning of the simulation. Used when options_b90$standprop_interp = 'linear' (see approx_standprop). Default: 25 m Plant
leaffalldoy Day of year when leaf fall begins - passed to make_seasLAI Default: 279 doy Plant
leaffalldur Number of days until minimum lai is reached - passed to make_seasLAI Default: 58 d Plant
sai Steam area index. Default: 1 - Plant
sai_ini Initial stem area index at the beginning of the simulation. Used when options_b90$standprop_interp = 'linear' (see approx_standprop), Default: 1 - Plant
shp_leaffall Shape parameter for leaf fall phase - passed to make_seasLAI Default: 0.3 - Plant
shp_budburst Shape parameter for leaf growth phase - passed to make_seasLAI Default: 3 - Plant
shp_optdoy Day of year when optimum value is reached - passed to make_seasLAI Default: 210 doy Plant
lai_doy Day of year values for lai-interpolation - passed to make_seasLAI doy Plant
lai_frac Fractional lai values for lai interpolation, corresponding to lai_doy - passed to make_seasLAI Default: 210 doy Plant
winlaifrac Minimum LAI as a fraction of maxlai. Default: 0 - Plant
standprop_table Data.frame with yearly values of vegetation properties with columns 'year','age', 'height', 'maxlai', 'sai', 'densef' Plant
cs Ratio of projected stem area index to canopy height. Default: 0.035 m-1 Plant
densef Density factor for MaxLAI, CS, RtLen, RPlant, not <.001, 1 for typical stand. Default: 1 - Plant
densef_ini Initial density factor at the beginning of the simulation. Used when options_b90$standprop_interp = 'linear' (see approx_standprop). Default: 1 - Plant
maxlai Maximum projected leaf area index - passed to make_seasLAI Default: 5 - Plant
radex Extinction coefficient for solar radiation and net radiation in the canopy. Default: 0.5 - Potential Transpiration
cvpd Vapour pressure deficit at which leaf conductance is halved. Default: 2 kPa Potential Transpiration
glmax Maximum leaf vapour conductance when stomata are fully open. Default: 0.0053 m s-1 Potential Transpiration
glmin Minimum leaf vapour conductance when stomata are closed. Default: 0.0003 m s-1 Potential Transpiration
r5 Solar radiation level at which leaf conductance is half of its value at RM. Default: 100 W m-2 Potential Transpiration
rm Nominal maximum solar shortwave radiation possible on a leaf (to reach glmax). Default: 1000 W m-2 Potential Transpiration
t1 Lower suboptimal temperature threshold for stomata opening - temperature relation. Default: 10 deg C Potential Transpiration
t2 Upper suboptimal temperature threshold for stomata opening - temperature relation. Default: 30 deg C Potential Transpiration
th Upper temperature threshold for stomata closure. Default: 40 deg C Potential Transpiration
tl Lower temperature threshold for stomata closure. Default: 0 deg C Potential Transpiration
betaroot Shape parameter for rootlength density depth distribution. Default: 0.97 - Roots
maxrootdepth Maximum root depth (positive downward) - passed to make_rootden. Default: -1.5 m Roots
rootden_table Data.frame of relative root density depth distribution with columns 'depth' and 'rootden' Roots
rstemp Base temperature for snow-rain transition. Default: -0.5 deg C Snow
ccfac Cold content factor. Default: 0.3 MJ m-2 d-1 K-1 Snow
grdmlt Rate of groundmelt of snowpack. Default: 0.35 mm d-1 Snow
laimlt Parameter for snowmelt dependence on LAI. Default: 0.2 - Snow
maxlqf Maximum liquid water fraction of Snow. Default: 0.05 - Snow
melfac Degree day melt factor for open. Default: 1.5 MJ m-2 d-1 K-1 Snow
saimlt Parameter for snowmelt dependence on SAI. Default: 0.5 - Snow
snoden Snow density. Default: 0.3 mm mm-1 Snow
rssa Soil evaporation resistance at field capacity. Default: 100 s m-1 Soilevap
rssb Exponent in relation of RSS to water potential. Default: 1 - Soilevap
soil_nodes Data.frame with soil nodes discretization passed to LWF-Brook90 - Soil
soil_materials Data.frame with soil materials (hydrualic parameters) passed to LWF-Brook90 - Soil
age_ini Age of stand (for root development). Default: 100 a Water supply
initrdep Initial root depth. Default: 0.25 m Water supply
initrlen Initial water-absorbing root length per unit area. Default: 12 m/m-2 Water supply
rgroper Period of net root growth. A value of 0 prevents root growth. Default: 0 a Water supply
rgrorate Vertical root growth rate. Default: 0.03 m a-1 Water supply
fxylem Fraction of internal plant resistance to water flow that is in the Xylem. Default: 0.5 - Water supply
maxrlen Total length of fine roots per unit ground area. Default: 3000 m m-2 Water supply
mxkpl Maximum internal conductivity for water flow through the plants. Default: 8 mm d-1 MPa-1 Water supply
nooutf Switch that prevents outflow from the root to the soil when the soil is dry. Default: 1 - Water supply
psicr Critical leaf water potential at which stomates close. Default: -2 MPa Water supply
rrad Average radius of the fine or water-absorbing roots. Default: 0.35 mm Water supply


# Default parameter
parms <- set_paramLWFB90()
# Include specific parameters
parms_maxlai <- set_paramLWFB90(maxlai = c(4,6,5), height =20)

[Package LWFBrook90R version 0.5.3 Index]