LVGP_fit {LVGP}R Documentation

The Fitting Function of LVGP Package


Fits a latent-variable Gaussian process (LVGP) model to a dataset as described in reference 1. The input variables can be quantitative or qualitative/categorical or mixed. The output variable is quantitative and scalar.


LVGP_fit(X, Y, ind_qual = NULL, dim_z = 2, eps = 10^(seq(-1, -8,
  length.out = 15)), lb_phi_ini = -2, ub_phi_ini = 2,
  lb_phi_lat = -8, ub_phi_lat = 3, lb_z = -3, ub_z = 3,
  n_opt = 8, max_iter_ini = 100, max_iter_lat = 20, seed = 123,
  progress = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, noise = FALSE)



Matrix or data frame containing the inputs of training data points. Each row is a data point.


Vector containing the outputs of training data points


Vector containing the indices of columns of qualitative/categorical variables


Dimensionality of latent space, usually 1 or 2 but can be higher


The vector of smallest eigen values that the correlation matrix is allowed to have, which determines the nugget added to the correlation matrix.

lb_phi_ini, ub_phi_ini

The initial lower and upper search bounds of the scale/roughness parameters (phi) of quantitative variables

lb_phi_lat, ub_phi_lat

The later lower and upper search bounds of the scale/roughness parameters (phi) of quantitative variables

lb_z, ub_z

The lower and upper search bounds of the latent parameters (z) of qualitative variables


The number of times the log-likelihood function is optimized


The maximum number of iterations for each optimization run for largest (first) eps case


The maximum number of iterations for each optimization run for after first eps cases


An integer for the random number generator. Use this to make the results reproducible.


The switch determining whether to print function run details


The switch determining whether to use parallel computing


The switch for whether the data are assumed noisy


A model of class "LVGP model" list of the following items:


  1. "A Latent Variable Approach to Gaussian Process Modeling with Qualitative and Quantitative Factors", Yichi Zhang, Siyu Tao, Wei Chen, and Daniel W. Apley (arXiv)

See Also

optim for the details on L-BFGS-B algorithm used in optimization.
LVGP_predict to use the fitted LVGP model for prediction.
LVGP_plot to plot the features of the fitted model.


# Math example with 2 quantitative and 1 qualitative variables (dataset included in the package):
#     Fit a model (with default settings) and evaluate the performance
#     by computing the root mean squared error (RMSE) in prediction.
#     Also, plot the latent variable parameters.
X_tr <- math_example$X_tr
Y_tr <- math_example$Y_tr
X_te <- math_example$X_te
Y_te <- math_example$Y_te
n_te <- nrow(X_te)
model <- LVGP_fit(X_tr, Y_tr, ind_qual = c(3))
output <- LVGP_predict(X_te, model)
Y_hat <- output$Y_hat
RRMSE <- sqrt(sum((Y_hat-Y_te)^2)/n_te)/(max(Y_te)-min(Y_te))

[Package LVGP version 2.1.5 Index]