step3.est {LTCDM}R Documentation

Step 3 estimation for latent logistic regression coefficients


Step 3 estimation for latent logistic regression coefficients


  beta_in = matrix(0, ncol(z_t1), K),
  ga01_in = matrix(0, ncol(z_t2), K),
  ga10_in = matrix(0, ncol(z_t2))



estimated classification error probabilities returned from CEP_t. The uncorrected attribute profile (EAP) is also stored in this object.


covariates at Time 1, which has already had the intercept column (1s).


covariates at Time 2, which has already had the intercept column (1s).


the number of attributes.


the number of time points. This package can only handle two time points can for the time being.


the initial values for the regression coefficients at Time 1 (initial state). Default are 0s.


the initial values for the regression coefficients of transition from absence (0) to presence (1) at Time 2. Default are 0s.


the initial values for the regression coefficients of transition from presence (1) to absence (0) at Time 2. Default are 0s.


a list with elements


A data frame with 2 rows and 4 columns, representing the estimated regression coefficients at Time 1 (initial state)


A data frame with 4 rows and 4 columns, representing the estimated regression coefficients of transition from absence (0) to presence (1) at Time 2


A data frame with 4 rows and 4 columns, representing the estimated regression coefficients of transition from absence (0) to presence (1) at Time 2


A data frame with dimensions 40 by 9, containing the results of the estimation, including all regression coefficients and the corresponding odds ratios, Cohen's d, standard errors (SE), 95% confidence intervals, and p-values.


t = 2 # the number of time points
K = ncol(Q) # the number of attributes
z_t1_test = matrix(sample(c(0, 1), size = 20, replace = TRUE), nrow = 10)
z_t2_test = matrix(sample(c(0, 1), size = 40, replace = TRUE), nrow = 10)
# Set appropriate initial values of the coefficients
# Initial values of initial state's regression coefficients
beta_in = matrix(0, ncol(z_t1_test), K)

# Initial values of transition probability's regression coefficients
# These were computed using the raw data.
# When Gender coding is 1 = male, 0 = female:
ga01_in = cbind(c(-2.15, 0.56, 0.09, -0.79),
                c(-1.6, 0.05, -0.01, -0.38),
                c(-1.25, 0.06, -0.25, 0.14),
                c(-1.18, -0.26, 0.04, 0.37))
                #initial values of regression coefficients (for transition from 0 to 1)
ga10_in = cbind(c(-0.84, -0.18, -0.14, 0.23),
                c(-0.18, 0.49, 0.44, -0.35),
                c(-0.22, 0.18, 0.37, -0.45),
                c(-0.49, 0.10, 0.43, 0.20))
cep_test = list()
cep_test[["mp"]][[1]] = matrix(runif(40,min = 0,max=1),nrow = 10)
cep_test[["mp"]][[2]] = matrix(runif(40,min = 0,max=1),nrow = 10)
cep_test[["eap"]][[1]] = matrix(runif(40,min = 0,max=1),nrow = 10)
cep_test[["eap"]][[2]] = matrix(runif(40,min = 0,max=1),nrow = 10)
for (i in 1:4){
for (k in 1:2) {
  cep_test[["cep_matrix"]][[i]][[k]]=matrix(c(1,0.02,0.06,1),nrow = 2)
      cep_test[["w"]][[i]][[k]] = matrix(runif(20,min = 0,max=1),nrow = 10)
step3.output_test <- step3.est(cep = cep_test, z_t1 = z_t1_test, z_t2 = z_t2_test,
 K = K, t = t, beta_in, ga01_in, ga10_in)
## Not run: 
# The run is dependent on the output of the CEP_t() function
# And the process time takes more than 5s.
# It is not recommended to run it.
# Covariates
Z = dat1[, c(1,2)] # use intervention and gender as covariates
z_t1 = cbind(1, Z$gender)  # Covariate at time 1
z_t2 = cbind(1, Z$gender, Z$intervention, apply(Z,1,prod)) # Covariates at time 2
colnames(z_t1) <- c("intercept", "gender")
colnames(z_t2) <- c("intercept", "gender", "intervention", "intervention_gender")

t = 2 # the number of time points
K = ncol(Q) # the number of attributes

# Set appropriate initial values of the coefficients
# Initial values of initial state's regression coefficients
beta_in = matrix(0, ncol(z_t1), K)

# Initial values of transition probability's regression coefficients
# These were computed using the raw data.
# When Gender coding is 1 = male, 0 = female:
ga01_in = cbind(c(-2.15, 0.56, 0.09, -0.79),
                c(-1.6, 0.05, -0.01, -0.38),
                c(-1.25, 0.06, -0.25, 0.14),
                c(-1.18, -0.26, 0.04, 0.37))
                #initial values of regression coefficients (for transition from 0 to 1)
ga10_in = cbind(c(-0.84, -0.18, -0.14, 0.23),
                c(-0.18, 0.49, 0.44, -0.35),
                c(-0.22, 0.18, 0.37, -0.45),
                c(-0.49, 0.10, 0.43, 0.20))
                #initial values of regression coefficients (for transition from 1 to 0)
# Step 3 estimation (This will take a few minutes)
step3.output <- step3.est(cep = cep, z_t1 = z_t1, z_t2 = z_t2, K = K,
                          t = t, beta_in = beta_in, ga01_in = ga01_in, ga10_in = ga10_in)

# Obtain estimation results

# Latent logistic regression coefficients
beta = step3.output$beta
gamma_01 = step3.output$gamma_01
gamma_10 = step3.output$gamma_10

## End(Not run)

[Package LTCDM version 1.0.0 Index]