as.seedwords | Convert a list or a dictionary to seed words |
bootstrap_lss | [experimental] Compute polarity scores with different hyper-parameters |
char_context | Identify context words using user-provided patterns |
coef.textmodel_lss | Extract model coefficients from a fitted textmodel_lss object |
coefficients.textmodel_lss | Extract model coefficients from a fitted textmodel_lss object |
data_dictionary_ideology | Seed words for analysis of left-right political ideology |
data_dictionary_sentiment | Seed words for analysis of positive-negative sentiment |
data_textmodel_lss_russianprotests | A fitted LSS model on street protest in Russia |
predict.textmodel_lss | Prediction method for textmodel_lss |
seedwords | Seed words for Latent Semantic Analysis |
smooth_lss | Smooth predicted LSS scores by local polynomial regression |
textmodel_lss | Fit a Latent Semantic Scaling model |
textmodel_lss.dfm | Fit a Latent Semantic Scaling model |
textmodel_lss.fcm | Fit a Latent Semantic Scaling model |
textplot_simil | Plot similarity between seed words |
textplot_terms | Plot polarity scores of words |
textstat_context | Identify context words using user-provided patterns |