American options pricing with Least Squares Monte Carlo method

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LSMonteCarlo-package American options pricing with Least Squares Monte Carlo method
AmerPutLSM Calculating the price of plain vanilla American put
AmerPutLSMPriceSurf Deriving a table of American put prices at different volatilities and strikes
AmerPutLSM_AV Pricing plain vanilla American put with Antithetic Variates
AmerPutLSM_CV Pricing plain vanilla American put with Control Variates
AsianAmerPutLSM Calculating the price of Asian American put
AsianAmerPutLSMPriceSurf Deriving a table of Asian American put prices at different volatilities and strikes
EuCallBS Black & Scholes solution for European put and call
EuPutBS Black & Scholes solution for European put and call
fastGBM Generating Geometric Brownian motion
firstValueRow Returning the first >0 value in each row of a matrix
LSMonteCarlo American options pricing with Least Squares Monte Carlo method
plot.PriceSurface Deriving a table of American put prices at different volatilities and strikes
price Extracting price from the pricing functions outputs
print.AmerPut Calculating the price of plain vanilla American put
print.AmerPutAV Pricing plain vanilla American put with Antithetic Variates
print.AmerPutCV Pricing plain vanilla American put with Control Variates
print.AsianAmerPut Calculating the price of Asian American put
print.QuantoAmerPut Calculating the price of Quanto American put
print.QuantoAmerPut_AV Pricing Quanto American put with Antithetic Variates
QuantoAmerPutLSM Calculating the price of Quanto American put
QuantoAmerPutLSMPriceSurf Deriving a table of Quanto American put prices at different volatilities and strikes
QuantoAmerPutLSM_AV Pricing Quanto American put with Antithetic Variates
summary.AmerPut Calculating the price of plain vanilla American put
summary.AmerPutAV Pricing plain vanilla American put with Antithetic Variates
summary.AmerPutCV Pricing plain vanilla American put with Control Variates
summary.AsianAmerPut Calculating the price of Asian American put
summary.PriceSurface Deriving a table of American put prices at different volatilities and strikes
summary.QuantoAmerPut Calculating the price of Quanto American put
summary.QuantoAmerPut_AV Pricing Quanto American put with Antithetic Variates