PWN {LPM} | R Documentation |
Crop Water requirement
Calculate the monthly irrigation requirement of crops based on cumulative probability [p] and daily watering duration of irrigation [h]
PWN(x1, frvol, R, p, irr)
x1 |
Bivariate series of monthly cumulative rainfall and average monthly temperatures |
frvol |
Volume fraction of the soil. It is 0.10 for sandy soil, 0.20 fpr loamy soil, 0.18 for clayey soil, 0.13 for medium-textured soil |
R |
Length of plant roots [cm] — see FAO-24 Mannini reworked, maximum extraction depth |
p |
Cumulative probability of plant's water requirement [percent] |
irr |
Daily watering duration of irrigation [h] |
Values |
Monthly water requirement values [m3/ha] relating to the cumulative probability indicated (p) |
Flow |
Irrigation flow [l/s/ha] relating to the daily watering duration (irr) and cumulative probability (p) |
Corrado Tallerini
United States Department of Agricolture (USDA - SCS). IRRIGATION - National Engineering handbook.
Moisello U. "Idrologia Tecnica" La Goliardica Pavese.
Genovesi R., Bottau D. "L'importanza della falda nell' alimentazione idrica delle colture nella pianura emiliano-romagnola."
Regione Campania - Assessorato Agricoltura - Settore S.I.R.C.A. La tessitura del suolo (foglio divulgativo novembre - dicembre 2002)
Fao irrigation and dreinage paper N. 24 - Crop water requirement, Food and agriculture organization of the united nations ROME, rivisited 1977
Grimaldi, S. Tallerini, C., Serinaldi, F., "Modelli multivariati lineari per la generazione di serie di precipitazioni giornaliere", Giornata di Studio: Metodi Statistici e Matematici per l'Analisi delle Serie Idrologiche, Napoli, maggio 2004
##---- data(Pistoia)
##---- PWN(Pistoia,0.13,40,75,16)
##---- Calculate the monthly irrigation requirement of a plant (Length of plant roots 40 cm in
##---- a medium-textured soil) based on a 75% cumulative probability and 16 hours daily irrigation