Missing Morphometric Data Simulation and Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘LOST’ version 2.0.2

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LOST-package Missing morphometric data simulation and estimation
align.missing Procrustes superimposition of landmark datasets with some missing values
best.reg Estimate missing morphometric data with a highly correlated variable
byclade Simulate missing morphometric data with taxonomic bias
complete.specimens Remove incomplete specimens from a landmark dataset
crocs Crocodile morphometrics
crocs.landmarks Coordinate data for a crocodilian reference skull
dacrya Landmark data from _Guianacara dacrya_
est.reg A-priori size regression for missing data estimation
flipped Reflected Relabelling
how.many.missing Calculate the percentage of missing morphometric data
LOST Missing morphometric data simulation and estimation
missing.data Randomly input missing data points
missing.specimens Simulate incomplete specimens
MissingGeoMorph Estimate missing landmark data
obliterator Simulate missing morphometric data with anatomical bias
obliteratorGM Simulate missing geometric morphometric landmarks with anatomical bias