Log File Analysis in International Large-Scale Assessments

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Documentation for package ‘LOGAN’ version 1.0.1

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BoxplotStrategybyPerformance Plot: Boxplot PV1Math by Strategy var
CleanActions Clean events
ConcatActions Concatenate events
cp025q01 Log file for PISA 2012, CP025, Q01 (selected countries)
cp025q01.treated Treated log file and microdata for PISA 2012, CP025, Q01 (selected countries)
DataActionsbyID Wide format dataset with the sequence of actions by ID
DataArcSinebyPerformance Data: Percentage in arcsine values x PISA scores by Country
DescriptiveStrategy Report: Descriptive statistics by strategy
FreqActionsSummary Frequency of specifics events in a variable of Actions - Summary
ImportSPSS Read SPSS process data
LOGAN LOGAN: Log File Analysis in International Large-scale Assessments
m0 Module 0: Data preparation
m1 Module 1: Time
m2 Module 2: Actions (cognitive related)
NumericTimeVar Time var as a numeric vector
pisa Microdata for PISA 2012 (selected countries)
PlotStrategybyCatPerformance Check response time by var
PlotTimeonTaskbyVar Check response time by var
RangeNumberActionsbyVar Check number of students and actions by var
RangeTimeonTaskbyVar Check response time by var
ScatterPlotbyPerformance Plot: Percentage in arcsine values x PISA scores by Country
SummaryTOTbyVar Summary of time on task by var
TOTVar Time on task variable
TrimVar Trim variables
VarActionPosition Identify the position of specific events in a variable of Actions
VarActionSearch Frequency of specifics events in a variable of Actions
VarTimebyID Extracting the start or end time