LNIRTQ {LNIRT} | R Documentation |
Log-normal response time IRT modelling with variable person speed (intercept, trend, quadratic)
Log-normal response time IRT modelling with variable person speed (intercept, trend, quadratic)
XG = 1000,
burnin = 10,
XGresid = 1000,
residual = FALSE
Y |
a Person-x-Item matrix of responses. |
RT |
a Person-x-Item matrix of log-response times (time spent on solving an item). |
X |
explanatory (time) variables for random person speed (default: (1:N.items - 1)/N.items). |
data |
either a list or a simLNIRTQ object containing the response time and response matrices and optionally the predictors for the item and person parameters. If a simLNIRTQ object is provided, in the summary the simulated item and time parameters are shown alongside of the estimates. If the required variables cannot be found in the list, or if no data object is given, then the variables are taken from the environment from which LNIRTQ is called. |
XG |
the number of MCMC iterations to perform (default: 1000). |
burnin |
the percentage of MCMC iterations to discard as burn-in period (default: 10). |
XGresid |
the number of MCMC iterations to perform before residuals are computed (default: 1000). |
residual |
compute residuals, >1000 iterations are recommended (default: false). |
an object of class LNIRTQ.