Advanced L-Moment Fitting of Distributions

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Documentation for package ‘LMoFit’ version 0.1.7

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com_sam_lspace Comparing sample L-moment ratios with L-spaces of various distributions on the L-moments ratio diagram
con_samlmom_lspace Condition of sample lpoints, as inside/outside of specific L-spaces on the L-moments ratio diagram, using sample lmoments.
con_sam_lspace Condition of sample lpoints, as inside/outside of specific L-spaces on the L-moments ratio diagram, using sample.
dBrIII Probability density function of BrIII distribution
dBrXII Probability density function of BrXII distribution
dgam Probability density function of Gamma distribution
dgev Probability density function of GEV distribution
dGG Probability density function of Generalized Gamma (GG) distribution
dglo Probability density function of Generalized Logestic Distribution
dgno Probability density function of Generalized normal Distribution
dgpa Probability density function of Generalized Pareto Distribution
dln3 Probability density function of Lognormal-3 Distribution
dnor Probability density function of Normal Distribution
dpe3 Probability density function of Pearson type-3 Distribution
fit_BrIII Fit Burr Type-III (BrIII) Distribution
fit_BrXII Fit Burr Type-XII (BrXII) Distribution
fit_gam Fit Gamma distribution using the 'lmom' package
fit_gev Fit GEV distribution
fit_GG Fit Generalized Gamma (GG) Distribution
fit_glo Fit Generalized Logistic distribution using the 'lmom' package
fit_gno Fit Generalized Normal distribution using the 'lmom' package
fit_gpa Fit Generalized Pareto distribution using the 'lmom' package
fit_ln3 Fit LogNormal-3 distribution using the 'lmom' package
fit_nor Fit Normal distribution using the 'lmom' package
fit_pe3 Fit Pearson Type-3 distribution using the 'lmom' package
FLOW_AMAX Annual maximum flow data at Water Survey of Canada WSC flow gauge number 08NA002 in BC, Vancouver, Canada. Lat: 51°14'36.8¨ N, Long: 116°54'46.6¨ W.
FLOW_AMAX_MULT Annual maximum flow data at 10 hypothetical flow gauge.
get_julian Get julian date from the begining of the year
get_sample_lmom Estimate sample L-moments and L-moment ratios
lspace_BrIII L-space of Burr Type-III Distribution (BrIII)
lspace_BrIII.xy coordinates of the L-space of Burr Type-III Distribution (BrIII)
lspace_BrXII L-space of Burr Type-XII Distribution (BrXII)
lspace_BrXII.xy coordinates of the L-space of Burr Type-XII Distribution (BrXII)
lspace_GG L-space of Generalized Gamma Distribution (GG)
lspace_GG.xy coordinates of the L-space of Generalized Gamma Distribution (GG)
pBrIII Cumulative distribution function of BrIII distribution
pBrXII Cumulative distribution function of BrXII distribution
pemp Emperical cumulative distribution function
pgam Cumulative distribution function of Gamma distribution
pgev Cumulative distribution function of GEV distribution
pGG Cumulative distribution function of Generalized Gamma (GG) distribution
pglo Cumulative distribution function of Generalized Logistic Distribution
pgno Cumulative distribution function of Generalized Normal Distribution
pgpa Cumulative distribution function of Generalized Pareto Distribution
pln3 Cumulative distribution function of Lognormal-3 Distribution
pnor Cumulative distribution function of Noramal Distribution
ppe3 Cumulative distribution function of Pearson type-3 Distribution
qBrIII Quantile distribution function of BrIII distribution
qBrXII Quantile distribution function of BrXII distribution
qgam Quantile distribution function of Gamma distribution
qgev Quantile distribution function of GEV distribution
qGG Quantile distribution function of the Generalized Gamma (GG) distribution
qglo Quantile distribution function of Generalized Logistic Distribution
qgno Quantile distribution function of Generalized normal Distribution
qgpa Quantile distribution function of Generalized Pareto Distribution
qln3 Quantile distribution function of Lognormal-3 Distribution
qnor Quantile distribution function of Normal Distribution
qpe3 Quantile distribution function of Pearson type-3 Distribution
tBrIII Return period function of BrIII distribution
tBrXII Return period function of BrXII distribution
tgam Return period function of Gamma distribution
tgev Return period function of GEV distribution
tGG Return period function of Generalized Gamma distribution
tglo Return period function of Generalized Logistic distribution
tgno Return period function of Generalized Normal distribution
tgpa Return period function of Generalized Pareto distribution
tln3 Return period function of Lognormal-3 distribution
tnor Return period function of Noramal distribution
tpe3 Return period function of Pearson type-3 distribution