drawLMlatentcont {LMest} | R Documentation |
Draw samples from LM model for continuous outcomes with covariates in the latent model
Function that draws samples from the LM model for continuous outcomes with individual covariates with specific parameters.
drawLMlatentcont(Mu, Si, Be, Ga, latentFormula, data, index,
paramLatent = c("multilogit","difflogit"), est = NULL,
format = c("long","matrices"), fort = TRUE, seed = NULL)
Mu |
array of conditional means for the response variables (r x k) |
Si |
var-cov matrix common to all states (r x r) |
Be |
parameters affecting the logit for the initial probabilities |
Ga |
parametes affecting the logit for the transition probabilities |
latentFormula |
a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. A detailed description is given in |
data |
a data frame in long format, with rows corresponding to observations and columns corresponding to variables, a column corresponding to time occasions and a column containing the unit identifier |
index |
a character vector with two elements indicating the name of the "id" column as first element and the "time" column as second element |
paramLatent |
type of parametrization for the transition probabilities ("multilogit" = standard multinomial logit for every row of the transition matrix, "difflogit" = multinomial logit based on the difference between two sets of parameters) |
est |
object of class |
format |
character string indicating the format of final responses matrix |
fort |
to use fortran routine when possible (FALSE for not use fortran) |
seed |
an integer value with the random number generator state |
Y |
array of continuous outcomes (n x TT x r) |
U |
matrix containing the sequence of latent states (n x TT) |
Mu |
array of conditional means for the response variables (r x k) |
Si |
var-cov matrix common to all states (r x r) |
Be |
parameters affecting the logit for the initial probabilities |
Ga |
parametes affecting the logit for the transition probabilities |
latentFormula |
a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. A detailed description is given in |
data |
a data frame in long format, with rows corresponding to observations and columns corresponding to variables, a column corresponding to time occasions and a column containing the unit identifier |
est |
object of class |
Francesco Bartolucci, Silvia Pandolfi, Fulvia Pennoni, Alessio Farcomeni, Alessio Serafini
## Not run:
est <- lmestCont(responsesFormula = Y1 + Y2 + Y3~ NULL,
latentFormula = ~ X1 + X2,
index = c("id", "time"),
data = data_long_cont,
k = 3)
out <- drawLMlatentcont(est = est,format = "matrices", seed = 4321)
out1 <- drawLMlatentcont(latentFormula = ~ X1 + X2, data = data_long_cont,
index = c("id", "time"),
Mu = est$Mu,Si = est$Si,
Be = est$Be,Ga = est$Ga, fort=TRUE, seed = 4321, format = "matrices")
## End(Not run)