LMmanifest-class {LMest} | R Documentation |
Class 'LMmanifest'
An S3 class object created by lmest
for Latent Markov (LM) model with covariates in the measurement model.
mu |
vector of cut-points |
al |
support points for the latent states |
be |
estimate of the vector of regression parameters |
si |
sigma of the AR(1) process (mod = "FM") |
rho |
parameter vector for AR(1) process (mod = "FM") |
la |
vector of initial probabilities |
PI |
transition matrix |
lk |
maximum log-likelihood |
np |
number of parameters |
k |
optimal number of latent states |
aic |
value of the Akaike Information Criterion |
bic |
value of Bayesian Information Criterion |
n |
number of observations in the data |
TT |
number of time occasions |
modManifest |
for LM model with covariates on the manifest model: "LM" = Latent Markov with stationary transition, "FM" = finite mixture model where a mixture of AR(1) processes is estimated with common variance and specific correlation coefficients |
sebe |
standard errors for the regression parameters be |
selrho |
standard errors for logit type transformation of rho |
J1 |
information matrix |
V |
array containing the posterior distribution of the latent states for each units and time occasion |
prediction of the overall latent effect |
S |
array containing the available response configurations |
yv |
vector of frequencies of the available configurations |
Pmarg |
matrix containing the marginal distribution of the latent states |
Lk |
vector containing the values of the log-likelihood of the LM model with each |
Bic |
vector containing the values of the BIC for each |
Aic |
vector containing the values of the AIC for each |
call |
command used to call the function |
data |
data frame given in input |
Francesco Bartolucci, Silvia Pandolfi, Fulvia Pennoni, Alessio Farcomeni, Alessio Serafini