importData {LMPdata}R Documentation

Import an LMP dataset


The available datasets are:

lmp_dataset_code Description
LMP_EXPSUMM LMP expenditure by type of action -- summary tables
LMP_EXPME Detailed expenditure by LMP intervention
LMP_PARTSUMM LMP participants by type of action -- summary tables
LMP_PARTME Detailed data on participants by LMP intervention
LMP_IND_ACTSUP Activation-Support -- LMP participants per 100 persons wanting to work
LMP_IND_ACTRU Activation of registered unemployed
LMP_IND_ACTIME Timely activation -- share of LMP entrants not previously long-term unemployed
LMP_IND_EXP LMP expenditure in convenient units (% of GDP or purchasing power standard per person wanting to work)
LMP_RJRU Persons registered with Public Employment Services


importData(lmp_dataset_code, filters = list())



A dataset code name (string). Case insensitive.


A list of uniquely named atomic vectors or an empty list for importing the full dataset (which can be slow).


A data.table with several columns: value_ and flags_ as well as the columns for each dimension, geo i.e. country, time_period i.e. year, and others.


           list(geo=c('AT','BE','CZ'), unit='MIO_EUR',
                lmp_type='TOT1_9', exptype=c('XIND','XEMP')))

[Package LMPdata version 0.1.0 Index]