Measure.R2S {LDcorSV}R Documentation

r^2_S measure


This function estimates the novel measure of linkage disequilibrium which is corrected by the structure of the sample.


Measure.R2S(biloci, struc, na.presence=TRUE)



Numeric matrix (N x 2), where N is the number of genotypes (or haplotypes)

Matrix values are the allelic doses:

- (0,1,2) for genotypes.

- (0,1) for haplotypes.

Row names correspond to the ID of individuals.

Column names correspond to the ID of markers.


Numeric matrix (N x (P-1)), where N is the number of genotypes (or haplotypes) and P the number of sub-populations.

Matrix values are the probabilities for each genotypes (or haplotypes) to belong to each sub-populations.

Row names must correspond to the ID of individuals and must be ranged as in the biloci matrix.

Column names correspond to the ID of sub-populations.

The matrix must be inversible, if the structure is with P sub-populations, only P-1 columns are expected.

No missing value.


Boolean indicating the presence of missing values in data.

If na.presence=FALSE (no missing data), computation of rV2r^2_V and rVS2r^2_{VS} is largely optimized.

By default, na.presence=TRUE.


The returned value is the estimated value of the measure of linkage disequilibrium corrected by the structure of the sample or NA if less than 5 individuals have non-missing data at both loci.


David Desrousseaux, Florian Sandron, Aurélie Siberchicot, Christine Cierco-Ayrolles and Brigitte Mangin


Mangin, B., Siberchicot, A., Nicolas, S., Doligez, A., This, P., Cierco-Ayrolles, C. (2012). Novel measures of linkage disequilibrium that correct the bias due to population structure and relatedness. Heredity, 108 (3), 285-291. DOI: 10.1038/hdy.2011.73


Geno <- data.test[[1]]
S.2POP <- data.test[[3]]
Measure.R2S(Geno, S.2POP)

[Package LDcorSV version 1.3.3 Index]