incid2010 | Cancer incidence table of Korea 2010 |
incid2018 | Cancer incidence table of Korea 2018 |
LAR | Estimate Lifetime Attributable Risk for one person |
LAR_batch | Estimate Lifetime Attributable Risk for several people |
LAR_group | Average Estimated Lifetime Attributable Risk by Group |
life2010 | Lifetime table of Korea 2010 |
life2018 | Lifetime table of Korea 2018 |
nuclear | Simulated data of organ radiation exposure dose |
organ | Simulated data of organ radiation exposure dose |
print.LAR | Print estimated Lifetime Attributable Risk for one person |
print.LAR_batch | Print estimated Lifetime Attributable Risk for one person |
print.LAR_group | Print estimated Lifetime Attributable Risk for one person |
summary.LAR | Summarize estimated Lifetime Attributable Risk for one person |
summary.LAR_batch | Summarize estimated Lifetime Attributable Risk for one person |
summary.LAR_group | Summarize estimated Lifetime Attributable Risk for one person |
write_LAR | Write a LAR object |
write_LAR.LAR | Write a LAR object |
write_LAR.LAR_batch | Write a LAR object |
write_LAR.LAR_group | Write a LAR object |