lagoslakes {LAGOSNE} | R Documentation |
Lake Geospatial Metadata
A dataset containing geospatial identifiers, upstream lake connectivity, and wetland connectivity of all lakes in LAGOSNE >1 hectare.
A data frame with 141271 observations and 31 variables:
lagoslakeid: unique lake identifier in LAGOSNE
lakes_nhdid: unique lake identifier from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)
iws_zoneid: zone ID of interlake watershed (IWS) in which focal lake is located
hu4_zoneid: zone ID of HUC4 in which focal lake is located
hu6_zoneid: zone ID of HUC6 in which focal lake is located
hu8_zoneid: zone ID of HUC8 in which focal lake is located
hu12_zoneid: zone ID of HU12 in which focal lake is located
edu_zoneid: zone ID of ecological drainage unit (EDU) in which focal lake is located
county_zoneid: zone ID of county in which focal lake is located
state_zoneid: two-letter abbreviation of state in which focal lake is located
upstream_lakes_4ha_count: count of lakes >= 4 ha upstream of the focal lake, connected via the NHD network of all surface flow connections (defined as ephemeral, intermittent, or permanent streams, or any other connections)
upstream_lakes_4ha_area_ha: total area of lakes >= 4 ha upstream of the focal lake, connected via the NHD network of all surface flow connections (defined as ephemeral, intermittent, or permanent streams, or any other connections)
upstream_lakes_10ha_count: count of lakes >= 10 ha upstream of the focal lake, connected via the NHD network of all surface flow connections (defined as ephemeral, intermittent, or permanent streams, or any other connections)
upstream_lakes_10ha_area_ha: total area of lakes >= 10ha upstream of the focal lake, connected via the NHD network of all surface flow connections (defined as ephemeral, intermittent, or permanent streams, or any other connections)
latewisconsinglaciation_glacial: glaciation status during the Late Wisconsin glaciation, where 'Glaciated' where the whole zone was glaciated, 'Not_Glaciated' where the whole zone was not glaciated, and 'Partially_Glaciated' where a part of the zone was glaciated
wlconnections_allwetlands_*: the wetland polygons that intersect or are within 30 m buffer around a lake shoreline, measured as count, area (ha), or sum of shoreline length (km) that intersects or touches wetland polygons (* = count, contributing_area_ha, shoreline_km).
wlconnections_forestedwetlands_count: the forested wetland polygons that intersect or are within 30 m buffer around a lake shoreline, measured as count, area (ha), or sum of shoreline length (km) that intersects or touches wetland polygons (* = count, contributing_area_ha, shoreline_km).
wlconnections_scrubshrubwetlands_count: the scrub-shrub wetland polygons that intersect or are within 30 m buffer around a lake shoreline, measured as count, area (ha), or sum of shoreline length (km) that intersects or touches wetland polygons (* = count, contributing_area_ha, shoreline_km).
wlconnections_openwaterwetlands_count: the open water wetland polygons that intersect or are within 30 m buffer around a lake shoreline, measured as count, area (ha), or sum of shoreline length (km) that intersects or touches wetland polygons (* = count, contributing_area_ha, shoreline_km).
wlconnections_otherwetlands_count: the other-wetland polygons that intersect or are within 30 m buffer around a lake shoreline, measured as count, area (ha), or sum of shoreline length (km) that intersects or touches wetland polygons (* = count, contributing_area_ha, shoreline_km).
lakeconnection: connectivity of focal lake to upstream features (DR_LakeStream = drainage lake with an upstream lake, DR_Stream = drainage lake with upstream stream, Headwater = lake with outlet but no inlet, Isolated = lake with no inlets or outlets)
Soranno et al. (2017) doi:10.1093/gigascience/gix101