epi_nutr {LAGOSNE} | R Documentation |
Epilimnion Water Quality Data
A dataset containing physical and chemical observations in the epilimnion (surface waters). Each row is a sampling event, and lakes can have multiple sampling events.
A data frame with observations of 93 variables:
eventida1087: unique combination of programid, lakeid, and date for each sampling event in LAGOSNE
lagoslakeid: unique integer identifier for each lake in LAGOSNE
programname: name of the sampling/monitoring program that collected the data
programtype: categorical description of the type of sampling/monitoring effort (Federal Agency, LTER = Long Term Ecological Research program, National Survey Program, Non-Profit Agency, State Agency, State Agency/Citizen Monitoring Program, State Agency/University/Citizen Monitoring Program, State Agency/Citizen Monitoring Program, Tribal Agency, University)
lagosversion: current version of LAGOSNE that the data record belongs to
sampledate: date at which the sample was collected, stored in date format (YYYY-MM-DD)
chla: chlorophyll a (µg/l)
colora: color, apparent (PCU)
colort: color, true (PCU)
dkn: nitrogen, dissolved Kjeldahl (µg/l as N)
doc: carbon, dissolved organic (µg/l as C)
nh4: nitrogen, ammonium NH4 (µg/l as N)
no2: nitrogen, nitrite NO2 (µg/l as N)
no2no3: nitrogen, nitrite NO2 + nitrate NO3 nitrogen (µg/l as N)
srp: phosphorus, soluble reactive (µg/l as P)
tdn: nitrogen, total dissolved (µg/l as N)
tdp: phosphorus, total dissolved (µg/l as P)
tkn: nitrogen, total Kjeldahl (µg/l as N)
tn: nitrogen, total (µg/l as N)
toc: carbon, total organic (µg/l as C)
ton: nitrogen, total organic (µg/l as N)
tp: phosphorus, total (µg/l as P)
secchi: Secchi disk transparency (m).
*_qual: data flags (qualifiers) from the source program for each water quality parameter (* = all water quality parameters listed above). For example, "chla_qual" is the variable name for the data flag for chlorophyll a observations.
*_censorcode: identifies whether a data value is censored and the censor type for each water quality parameter (* = all water quality parameters listed above). For example, "chla_censorcode" is the variable name for censor information regarding chlorophyll a observations.
NC1: has detection limit and data value is above detection limit and has no qualifier or comments
NC2: has detection limit and data value is above detection limit, and has qualifier or comments
NC3: has no detection limit and has qualifier or comments
NC4: has no detection limit and has no qualifiers or comments
LE1: has detection limit, data value is less than or equal to detection limit, has qualifier or comments
LE2: has detection limit, data value is less than or equal to detection limit, has no qualifier or comments
LE3: has no detection limit, < than comes from source program, has qualifier or comments
LE4: has no detection limit, < than comes from source program, has no qualifier or comments
*_detectionlimit: the detection limit used by the source program for each water quality parameter (* = all water quality parameters listed above). For example, "chla_detectionlimit" is the name of the variable that reports detection limits for chlorophyll a observations.
*_labmethodname: analytical procedure, from a standards body if available for each water quality parameter (* = all water quality parameters listed above). For example, "chla_labmethodname" is the variable name for lab methods associated with each chlorophyll a observation.
chla_methodinfo: flag to indicate variable was sampled using different methods. "CHLA_UNFILTERED" means that a sample was
secchi_methodinfo: flag to indicate variable was sampled using different methods. "SECCHI_VIEW" means that Secchi depth was measured using a viewer box, whereas "SECCHI_VIEW_UNKNOWN" reports observations where it is unclear if a Secchi viewer box was used. A secchi observation without a methodinfo code means the Secchi depth was made without the viewer box.
sampleyear: year (4-digit) in which sample was collected
samplemonth: month in which sample was collected
Soranno et al. (2017) doi:10.1093/gigascience/gix101