conn {LAGOSNE} | R Documentation |
Connectivity Datasets
Datasets containing lake, stream, and wetland abundance and connectivity metrics calculated at the 500m buffer (buffer500m.conn), HUC12 (hu12.conn), HUC8 (hu8.conn), HUC4 (hu4.conn), EDU (edu.conn), county (county.conn) and state (state.conn) classifications.
Data frames with all or a subset of the following variables. Number of observations is equal to the number of zones in each spatial classification (see ?classifications). Wildcard options include a subset of the LAGOSNE spatial classifications (* = buffer500m, iws, hu12, hu8, hu4, edu, county, state) and additional wildcards described below.
Identifiers and Zone Metadata
*_zoneid: unique zone identifier
*_nwiexclusions: zones that are not completely covered by the National Wetlands Inventory
Lake Connectivity Metrics. Lake abundance metrics are derived for all lakes, isolated lakes ("isolated" - no inflow or outflow streams), headwater lakes ("headwater" - no inflowing streams), stream drainage lakes ("drstream" - lakes with inflowing stream(s), with or without outflows, and no upstream lakes greater than 10 ha), and lake drainage lakes ("drlakeStream" lakes with inflowing stream(s) and at least one upstream lake greater than 10 ha).
*_lakes_**_***: all lakes that are within or intersect the zone boundary and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as average lake area (*** = agsize_ha) or count (** = count)
*_lakes_**_overlapping_***: all lakes that are clipped to the zone boundary and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as sum of lake area (*** = area_ha) or percent of zone area (*** = area_pct)
*_lakes_**_contributing_area_ha: all lakes that are within or intersect the zone boundary, and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as sum of lake area
*_lakes_**_isolated_***: all isolated lakes that are within or intersect the zone boundary, and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as average size in hectares (*** = avgsize_ha) or count (*** = count
*_lakes_**_isolated_overlapping_***: all isolated lakes that are clipped to the zone boundary and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as sum of lake area (*** = area_ha) or percent of zone area (*** = area_pct)
*_lakes_**_isolated_contributing_area_ha: all isolated lakes that are within or intersect the zone boundary, and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as sum of lake area
*_lakes_**_headwater_***: all headwater lakes that are within or intersect the zone boundary, and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as average size in hectares (*** = avgsize_ha) or count (*** = count
*_lakes_**_headwater_overlapping_***: all headwater lakes that are clipped to the zone boundary and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as sum of lake area (*** = area_ha) or percent of zone area (*** = area_pct)
*_lakes_**_headwater_contributing_area_ha: all headwater lakes that are within or intersect the zone boundary, and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as sum of lake area
*_lakes_**_drstream_***: all drstream lakes that are within or intersect the zone boundary, and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as average size in hectares (*** = avgsize_ha) or count (*** = count
*_lakes_**_drstream_overlapping_***: all drstream lakes that are clipped to the zone boundary and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as sum of lake area (*** = area_ha) or percent of zone area (*** = area_pct)
*_lakes_**_drstream_contributing_area_ha: all drstream lakes that are within or intersect the zone boundary, and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as sum of lake area
*_lakes_**_drlakestream_***: all drlakestream lakes that are within or intersect the zone boundary, and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as average size in hectares (*** = avgsize_ha) or count (*** = count
*_lakes_**_drlakestream_overlapping_***: all drlakestream lakes that are clipped to the zone boundary and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as sum of lake area (*** = area_ha) or percent of zone area (*** = area_pct)
*_lakes_**_drlakestream_contributing_area_ha: all drlakestream lakes that are within or intersect the zone boundary, and are in a particular size class (** = lakes4ha, lakes4to10ha, lakes10ha), expressed as sum of lake area
*_latewisconsinglaciation_glaciation: zone glaciation status during the late Wisconsin glaciation (Glaciated, Not_Glaciated, Partially)
Stream Connectivity Metrics
*_streamdensity_streams_**: all streams (NHDFlowline minus artificial lines through lakes) within the zone expressed as sum of length in meters (** = sum_lengthm) or density in meters per hectare (** = mperha)
*_streamdensity_headwaters_*: headwater streams (1st-3rd Strahler order) within the zone expressed as sum of length in meters (** = sum_lengthm) or density in meters per hectare (** = mperha)
*_streamdensity_midreaches_*: Midreach streams (4th-6th Strahler order) within the zone expressed as sum of length in meters (** = sum_lengthm) or density in meters per hectare (** = mperha)
*_streamdensity_rivers_*: large river-streams (>6th Strahler order) within the zone expressed as sum of length in meters (** = sum_lengthm) or density in meters per hectare (** = mperha)
*_canalditchdensity_**: canals within the zone, expressed as sum of length in meters (** = sum_lengthm) or density in meters per hectare (** = mperha)
Wetland Connectivity Metrics
*_wl_allwetlandsdissolved_**: all wetlands (regardless of vegetation, connection, or regime), expressed as average size in hectares (** = avgsize_ha), total area of wetlands that is contained within or partially intersect the border of this zone (** = overlapping_area_ha), total land area of this zone that is covered by all wetlands (** = contributing_area_ha), or percent of land area of this zone that is covered by all wetlands (** = overlapping_area_pct). Before calculating this value, contiguous patches of different types of wetlands were first dissolved to represent a single patch.
*_wl_allwetlandsundissolved_**: all wetlands (regardless of vegetation, connection, or regime), expressed as count (** = count), average size in hectares (** = avgsize_ha), total area of wetlands that is contained within or partially intersect the border of this zone (** = overlapping_area_ha), total land area of this zone that is covered by all wetlands (** = contributing_area_ha), or percent of land area of this zone that is covered by all wetlands (** = overlapping_area_pct). Before calculating this value, contiguous patches of different types of wetlands were first dissolved to represent a single patch.
*_wl_isolatedwetlandsundissolved_**: isolated wetland patches (no intersecting streams within a 30 m buffer of the wetland patch) in this zone.all wetlands (regardless of vegetation, connection, or regime), expressed as count (** = count), average size in hectares (** = avgsize_ha), total area of wetlands that is contained within or partially intersect the border of this zone (** = overlapping_area_ha), total land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = contributing_area_ha), or percent of land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = overlapping_area_pct). The patches were left as delineated by the National Wetlands Inventory ("undissolved") for calculating this variable.
*_wl_singlewetlandsundissolved_**: single wetland patches (intersected within a 30 m buffer by a single first order stream) in this zone, expressed as count (** = count), average size in hectares (** = avgsize_ha), total area of wetlands that is contained within or partially intersect the border of this zone (** = overlapping_area_ha), total land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = contributing_area_ha), or percent of land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = overlapping_area_pct). The patches were left as delineated by the National Wetlands Inventory ("undissolved") for calculating this variable.
*_wl_connectedwetlandsundissolved_**: connected wetland patches (intersected within a 30 m buffer by a higher order stream or by multiple streams) in this zone, expressed as count (** = count), average size in hectares (** = avgsize_ha), total area of wetlands that is contained within or partially intersect the border of this zone (** = overlapping_area_ha), total land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = contributing_area_ha), or percent of land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = overlapping_area_pct). The patches were left as delineated by the National Wetlands Inventory ("undissolved") for calculating this variable.
*_wl_forestedwetlandsundissolved_**: forested wetland patches (dominated by woody vegetation 6m or taller) in this zone, expressed as count (** = count), average size in hectares (** = avgsize_ha), total area of wetlands that is contained within or partially intersect the border of this zone (** = overlapping_area_ha), total land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = contributing_area_ha), or percent of land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = overlapping_area_pct). The patches were left as delineated by the National Wetlands Inventory ("undissolved") for calculating this variable.
*_wl_scrubshrubwetlandsundissolved_**: scrub-shrub wetland patches (dominated by woody vegetation < 6m tall) in this zone, expressed as count (** = count), average size in hectares (** = avgsize_ha), total area of wetlands that is contained within or partially intersect the border of this zone (** = overlapping_area_ha), total land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = contributing_area_ha), or percent of land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = overlapping_area_pct). The patches were left as delineated by the National Wetlands Inventory ("undissolved") for calculating this variable.
*_wl_openwaterwetlandsundissolved_**: open water wetland patches (dominated by woody vegetation < 6m tall) in this zone, expressed as count (** = count), average size in hectares (** = avgsize_ha), total area of wetlands that is contained within or partially intersect the border of this zone (** = overlapping_area_ha), total land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = contributing_area_ha), or percent of land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = overlapping_area_pct). The patches were left as delineated by the National Wetlands Inventory ("undissolved") for calculating this variable.
*_wl_regimefwetlandsundissolved_**: regime f (semipermanently flooded) wetland patches where surface water persists throughout the growing season in most years, expressed as count (** = count), average size in hectares (** = avgsize_ha), total area of wetlands that is contained within or partially intersect the border of this zone (** = overlapping_area_ha), total land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = contributing_area_ha), or percent of land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = overlapping_area_pct). The patches were left as delineated by the National Wetlands Inventory ("undissolved") for calculating this variable.
*_wl_regimegwetlandsundissolved_**: regime g (intermittently exposed) wetland patches where surface water persists throughout the growing season in most years, expressed as count (** = count), average size in hectares (** = avgsize_ha), total area of wetlands that is contained within or partially intersect the border of this zone (** = overlapping_area_ha), total land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = contributing_area_ha), percent of land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = overlapping_area_pct). The patches were left as delineated by the National Wetlands Inventory ("undissolved") for calculating this variable.
*_wl_regimeawetlandsundissolved_**: regime a (temporarily flooded) wetland patches where surface water persists throughout the growing season in most years, expressed as count (** = count), average size in hectares (** = avgsize_ha), total area of wetlands that is contained within or partially intersect the border of this zone (** = overlapping_area_ha), total land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = contributing_area_ha), or percent of land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = overlapping_area_pct). The patches were left as delineated by the National Wetlands Inventory ("undissolved") for calculating this variable.
*_wl_regimecwetlandsundissolved_**: regime c (seasonally flooded) wetland patches where surface water persists throughout the growing season in most years, expressed as count (** = count), average size in hectares (** = avgsize_ha), total area of wetlands that is contained within or partially intersect the border of this zone (** = overlapping_area_ha), total land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = contributing_area_ha), or percent of land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = overlapping_area_pct). The patches were left as delineated by the National Wetlands Inventory ("undissolved") for calculating this variable.
*_wl_regimehwetlandsundissolved_**: regime h (permanently flooded) wetland patches where surface water persists throughout the growing season in most years, expressed as count (** = count), average size in hectares (** = avgsize_ha), total area of wetlands that is contained within or partially intersect the border of this zone (** = overlapping_area_ha), total land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = contributing_area_ha), or percent of land area of this zone that is covered by this wetland type (** = overlapping_area_pct). The patches were left as delineated by the National Wetlands Inventory ("undissolved") for calculating this variable.
Soranno et al. (2017) doi:10.1093/gigascience/gix101Gigascience 6:12