chag {LAGOSNE} | R Documentation |
Climate, Hydrology, Atmospheric, and Geologic (CHAG) Datasets
Datasets containing information on climate, hydrology, atmospheric deposition, and surficial geology characteristics calculated at hu12, hu8, hu4, edu, county and state spatial classifications (see ?scales).
Data frames with all or a subset of the following variables. Number of observations is equal to the number of zones in each spatial scale (see Details below). Wildcard options include a subset of the LAGOSNE spatial scales (* = hu12, hu8, hu4, edu, county, state), years of measurement (** = 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010), and summary statistic or units (*** = min, max, mean, std for atmospheric deposition and hydrology; *** = ha, pct for surficial geology)
*_zoneid: unique zone identifier
*_dep_no3_**_***: nitrate ion wet deposition (kg/ha) in zone during specified year
*_dep_so4_**_***: sulfate ion wet deposition (kg/ha) in zone during specified year
*_dep_totaln_**_***: total inorganic nitrogen ion wet deposition (kg/ha) in zone during specified year
*_baseflowindex_***: ground-water discharge into streams in the zone (baseflow/totalflow *100)
*_groundwaterrecharge_***: mean annual natural groundwater recharge (mm/yr) in zone - Baseflow multiplied by mean annual runoff
*_runoff_***: average annual runoff (in/yr) in the zone, 1951-80
*_prism_ppt_30yr_normal_800mm2_annual_***: 30-yr long-term (normal) annual mean precipitation (mm/yr) for zone
*_prism_tmax_30yr_normal_800mm2_annual_***: 30-yr long-term (normal) annual maximum temperature (deg C) for zone
*_prism_tmean_30yr_normal_800mm2_annual_***: 30-yr long-term (normal) annual mean temperature (deg C) for zone
*_prism_tmin_30yr_normal_800mm2_annual_***: 30-yr long-term (normal) annual minimum temperature (deg C) for zone
*_surficialgeology_alluv_***: alluvial of all ages
*_surficialgeology_beach_***: beach deposits of Holocene age
*_surficialgeology_colluv_***: colluvium of all ages
*_surficialgeology_dec_resid_***: decomposition residuum of all ages
*_surficialgeology_eolian_***: silt (loess), sand of all ages
*_surficialgeology_gf_out_***: glaciofluvial (outwash) deposits of all ages
*_surficialgeology_grus_***: glaciated, granitic grus of Quaternary and Tertiary age
*_surficialgeology_ice_***: ice-contact depositives of lake Wisconsin and Holocene age
*_surficialgeology_lac_***: combination of: Glacial-lake clay and silt lake deposits of pre-Illinoian and Illinoin age; Glacial and postglacial lake deposits (delta, clay, silt and sand, sand and gravel, density-current underflow-fan) of Holocene and late Wisconsin age; Beach sand and dune sand deposits of Holocene age; and Lake slack-water and alluvium deposits of pre-Illinoian, Illinoian, and late Wisconsin ages
*_surficialgeology_lac_clay_***: glacial and postglacial lake deposits (clay and silt) of Holocene and late Wisconsin age
*_surficialgeology_marine_***: coastal-plain marine deposits of Pleistocene and Pliocene ages, and glaciomarine deposits of late Wisconsin age
*_surficialgeology_open_water_***: open water
*_surficialgeology_other_***: surficial deposits, surficial materials, and bedrock masses that were deformed and (or) transported intact by glacial ice
*_surficialgeology_peat_mrsh_***: coastal or inland deposits of freshwater, brackish-water, peat and muck or freshwater swamps of Holocene and late Wisconsin age
*_surficialgeology_saprol_***: saprolite of quaternary and tertiary age on crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks mostly
*_surficialgeology_solif_***: solifluction deposits of Holocene and late to middle Pleistocene age, and lake Wisconsin age
*_surficialgeology_solut_***: solution residuum of Quaternary and tertiary age
*_surficialgeology_till_clay_***: till, clay of pre-Illinoian age, late Wisconsin and Holocene(?) age
*_surficialgeology_till_loam_***: till, loam of pre-Illinoian, Illinoian, and late Wisconsin and Holocene(?) age
*_surficialgeology_till_oth_***: till, complex depositions of lake Wisconsin and Illinoian age
*_surficialgeology_till_sand_***: till, sand of pre-Illinoian age, late Wisconsin and Holocene(?) age
Original data sources and layers from which each metric was derived can be found in additional file 5 of Soranno et al. (2015). Briefly, climate data came from the PRISM climate group, hydrology metrics were derived from United States Geologic Survey (USGS) data, atmospheric deposition was from the National Atmospheric Deposition program, and surficial geology were derived from layers USGS data.
Soranno et al. (2017) doi:10.1093/gigascience/gix101