S.nd {L2DensityGoFtest}R Documentation

Density goodness-of-fit test statistic based on discretized L2 distance


Implements the multivariate (d >=2) density goodness of fit test statistic S^n(h)\hat{S}_n(h) of Bagkavos, Patil and Wood (2021), based on aggregation of local discrepancies between the fitted parametric density and a nonparametric empirical density estimator.


S.nd(xin, h,  dist, p1, p2)



A matrix (n x d) of data points - the available sample with n rows and d columns, each column corresponds to a different coordinate axis.


The bandwidth vector to use, typically the output of hopt.be in each coordinate direction.


The null distribution.


Parameter 1 (vector or object) for the null distribution.


Parameter 2 (vector or object) for the null distribution.


Implements the test statistic used for testing the hypothesis

H0:f(x)=f0(x,p1,p2)    vs    Ha:f(x)f0(x,p1,p2).H_0: f(x) = f_0(x, p1, p2) \;\; vs \;\; H_a: f(x) \neq f_0(x, p1, p2).

This density goodness-of-fit test is based on a discretized approximation of the L2 distance. Assuming that nn is the number of observations and g=(max(xin)min(xin))/ndrateg = (max(xin)-min(xin))/n^{-drate} is the number of bins in which the range of the data is split, the test statistic is:

Sn(h)=nΔ2ijK{(Xi1Xj1)h11,,(XidXjd)hd1}{Yif0(Xi)}{Yjf0(Xj)} S_n(h) = n \Delta^2 {\sum\sum}_{i \neq j} K \{ (X_{i1}-X_{j1})h_1^{-1}, \dots, (X_{id}-X_{jd})h_d^{-1} \} \{Y_i -f_0(X_i) \}\{Y_j -f_0(X_j) \}

where KK is the Epanechnikov kernel implemented in this package with the Epanechnikov function. The null model f0f_0 is specified through the dist argument with parameters passed through the p1 and p2 arguments. The test is implemented either with bandwidth hopt.edgeworth or with bandwidth hopt.be which provide the value of hh needed for calculation of Sn(h) S_n(h) and the critical value used to determine acceptance or rejection of the null hypothesis.


A vector with the value of the test statistic as well as the Delta value used for its calculation


R implementation and documentation: Dimitrios Bagkavos <dimitrios.bagkavos@gmail.com>


Bagkavos, Patil and Wood: Nonparametric goodness-of-fit testing for a continuous multivariate parametric model, (2021), under review.

See Also



sigma <- matrix(c(4,2,2,3), ncol=2)

x <- rmvnorm(n=100, mean=c(1,2), sigma=sigma)
h.be1 <- hopt.be(x[,1])
h.be2 <- hopt.be(x[,2])
h<-c(h.be1, h.be2)

S.nd(x, h,  Nulldist, c(1,2), sigma)

[Package L2DensityGoFtest version 0.6.0 Index]