rokassembly21 {L1centrality}R Documentation

Republic of Korea's 21st National Assembly Bill Cosponsorship Network


Network between 317 members of the Republic of Korea's 21st National Assembly (May 30th, 2020–May 29th, 2024). Each member of the assembly represents one vertex.

An edge between two members is formed if there is at least one cosponsored bill. The weight of this edge is given as 1/(number of cosponsored bills between two members) during the first 40 months of the 21st assembly (Jun. 2020–Sep. 2023).




An undirected, connected, and (edge) weighted igraph graph object with 317 vertices and 47,657 edges.

Vertex attributes:

Edge attribute: ‘weight’. Given as a dissimilarity between two vertices. See the description above.


The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea


S. Kang and H.-S. Oh. On a notion of graph centrality based on L1 data depth. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.13233, 2024.

[Package L1centrality version 0.1.1 Index]