create.MK {KnockoffScreen} | R Documentation |
Sequential knockoff generator for genetic data
Generate single/multiple knockoffs for genetic variants for customized analysis.
X |
A n*p genotype matrix, where n is the sample size and p is the number of genetic variants. |
pos |
A vector of length p. Location of the p genetic variants. |
M |
Number of knockoffs per variant. The default is 5. |
corr_max |
The correlation threshold for hierarchical clustering, such that variants from two different clusters do not have a correlation greater than corr_max. The hierarchical clustering step is a practical strategy to improve the power for tightly linked variants. The default is 0.75. |
maxN.neighbor |
The maximum number of neighoring variables used to generate knockoffs. The default is Inf. Smaller number will inprove the computational efficiency, but the knockoffs will be less accurate. |
maxBP.neighbor |
The size of neighboring region (in base pairs) used to generate knockoffs. The default is 100000. |
n.AL |
The sample size for the algorithmic leveraging. The default is 10*n^(1/3)*log(n)). |
thres.ultrarare |
The minor allele count threshold that defines ultrarare variants. The knockoff generation for variants with minor allele counts below the threshold will be based on permutaton. The default is 25. |
R2.thres |
The maximum R2 allowed in the auto-regressive model. More liberal values (<1) lead to higher power for tightly linked variants, but the knockoffs will be less accurate. The default is 1. |
method |
The method for subsampling. The default is "shrinkage", corresponding to "shrinkage algorithmic leveraging". |
bigmemory |
Whether "bigmemory" operation is applied. Default is TRUE. |
X_k |
An M dimentions list, where each dimention is an n*p matrix as a knockoff copy of original data. |
# load example vcf file from package "seqminer"
vcf.filename = system.file("vcf/1000g.phase1.20110521.CFH.var.anno.vcf.gz", package = "seqminer")
## this is how the actual genotype matrix from package "seqminer" looks like
example.G <- t(readVCFToMatrixByRange(vcf.filename, "1:196621007-196716634",annoType='')[[1]])
# filter out constant variants
# generate multiple knockoffs