KernSmoothIRT-package {KernSmoothIRT}R Documentation

KernSmoothIRT Package


Graphical analysis of multiple choice test and questionnaire data within a nonparametric approach. Fits item and option characteristic curves using kernel smoothing techniques and provides a variety of exploratory plots.


Package: KernSmoothIRT
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2011-05-29
Requires: plotrix
License: GPL-2
LazyLoad: yes

The function ksIRT creates a ksIRT object using kernel smoothing. Plotting the ksIRT object creates a variety of exploratory plots, including: item characteristic curves, option characteristic curves, density plots, expected value plots, and a probability simplex plot for the top 3 highest probability options of each item.


Angelo Mazza, Antonio Punzo, Brian McGuire

Maintainer: Brian McGuire <>


Mazza A, Punzo A, McGuire B. (2014). KernSmoothIRT: An R Package for Kernel Smoothing in Item Response Theory. Journal of Statistical Software, 58 6, 1-34. URL:

Ramsay, J.O. (2000). TestGraf: A program for the graphical analysis of multiple choice test and questionnaire data.

Silverman, B.W. (1986). Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis

[Package KernSmoothIRT version 6.4 Index]