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Meta-analysis dataset on comparison of organic to conventional crop systems.
The data set consists of the data collected from litterature for a meta-analysis to compare crop yield in organic system to conventionnal system conducted by Seufert et al (2012). It contains 65 studies. Each study contains values of yield to organic and conventionnal system compared in field experiment. The studies cover different geographical places, years and crops.
a RangedData
instance, 1 row per measurement. Study, Crop_species, Country, Y_coord, X_coord, Continent, Developed, Development, Latitude, Crop_type, Perennial, Legume, Org_N_input, Conv_N_input, Org_fertilizer_type, Green_manure_org, Animal_manure_org, Irrigation, Moisture, Soil_carbon, Soil_pH, Yield_conv, SD_conv, N_conv, Yield_org, SD_org, N_org, Yield_unit, lnR, Var_lnR
Seufert et al (2012), real data extracted from published papers Seufert, V., N. Ramankutty, and J.A. Foley. 2012. Comparing the yields of organic and conventional agriculture. Nature 485: 229-232.