N2O {KenSyn} | R Documentation |
Meta-analysis dataset to estimate the response of N2O emissions to the applied N fertilizer rate.
The data set consists of the data collected from litterature for a meta-analysis to estimate the response of N2O emissions (a greenhouse gas produced largely by agricultural activities, including nitrogen fertilization) to the applied N fertilizer rate. This dataset contains measurements of N2O emissions collected from 203 experimental studies (corresponding to different sites-years). In each study (Ref_num), several fertilizer doses (N_rate) were applied to different experimental plots and N2O emissions were measured (N2O, in kg ha-1 yr-1) on each. A total of 985 N2O emission data are available.
a RangedData
instance, 1 row per measurement.
Type: , Ref_num: , Climate: , Texture_class: , Tex_act: , Carbon_content: , Nitrogen_content: ,
pH: , CEC: , Bulk_density: , Drainage: , Annual_Precipitation: , Mean_annual_temp: ,
crop_type: , Fertilizer_type: , Mode_of_application: , Timing_of_application: ,
N_rate: , N2O: , log_N2O: , duree_expe: , Method_N2O: , Freq_N2O
Philibert et al (2012), Gerber et al (2016), real data extracted from published papers. Philibert A., Loyce C., Makowski D. 2012. Quantifying uncertainties in N2O emission due to N fertilizer application in cultivated areas. Plos One 7(11): e50950. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050950. Gerber J.S., Kimberly M. C., Makowski D, Inaki Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri, Petr Havlik, Mario Herrero, Marie Launay, Nathaniel D. Mueller, Christine S. O'Connell, Pete Smith, Paul C. West. 2016. Spatially explicit estimates of N2O emissions from croplands suggest climate mitigation opportunities from improved fertilizer management. Global Change Biology 22 3383-3394.
# Examples of N2O emission measurements obtained on 9 experiments
# for different doses of N fertilizer applied.
par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(4.1,4.1,1,1))
null<-sapply(ListNum, function(Num){plot(N2O$N_rate[N2O$Ref_num==Num],N2O$N2O[N2O$Ref_num==Num],
xlab="Dose engrais N (kg/ha)", ylab="Emission de N2O (kg/ha/an)", pch=19, xlim=c(0,350))})