An Interface for Microclimate Time Series Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘KarsTS’ version 2.4.1

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KarsTS-package An Interface for Microclimate Time Series Analysis

-- A --

aboutKTS aboutKTS: opens information file about KarsTS version
aggregateKTS aggregateKTS: creation of time series of aggregated values
anaSamPer anaSamper: analyzing sampling periods and gaps
applyGap2TSer applyGap2TSer: apply a gap set to a time series
applyTheiler applyTheiler: apply Theiler's window
are2TsTimeCompatible are2TsTimeCompatible: test time compatibility between two time series
areTsGapTimeCompatible areTsGapTimeCompatible: tests time compatibility between a time series and a gap set
areTsRmTimeCompatible areTsRmTimeCompatible: test time compatibility between a time series and a recurrence matrix
arimaKalman arimaKalman: ARIMA + Kalman smoother
arimaXKalman arimaXKalman: ARIMAX + Kalman smoother
assignMultiple assignMultiple: assign multiple

-- B --

buttons1 buttons1: create the buttons corresponding to the Time Series Menu
buttons2 buttons2: create the buttons corresponding to the Gap Sets Menu
buttons3 buttons3: create the buttons corresponding to the Analysis Menu
buttons4 buttons4: create the buttons corresponding to the Plots Menu
buttons5 buttons5: create the buttons corresponding to the Filling Menu

-- C --

checkIfAny checkIfAny: check if there are any data sets in the environment
checkIfAnyGapOrTs checkIfAny: check if there are any time series or gap sets in the environment
checkIfAnyGapTs checkIfAny: check if there are any time series and gap sets in the environment
checkIfAnyRm checkIfAny: check if there is some recurrence matrix in the environment
checkIfAnyRmTs checkIfAnyRmTs: check if there is some recurrence matrix and some time series in the environment
checkIfAnyTs checkIfAnyTs: check if there is some time series in the environment
cleanEnvir cleanEnvir: removes a list of variables from KTSEnv
compareVecVec compareVecVec: compare the elements of two vectors
composeKTS composeKTS: perform operations on time series
createChb createChb: creates a check box on the main screen
createChbChb createChbChb: two column check box
createChbEntry createChbEntry: creates a check box with associated text entries
createCrossRM createCrossRM: creates a cross recurrence matrix
createCrossRMPlot createCrossRMPlot: creates a cross recurrence plot
createDistMatrix createDistMatrix: creates distance matrix
createEachRb createEachRb: creates a radiobutton on the main screen
createEntry createChb: creates a text entry on the main screen
createFAN createFAN: creates a fixed amount of neighbors (FAN) matrix.
createFANplot createFANplot: creates a plot from a fixed amount of neighbors (FAN) recurrence matrix
createGapChb createGapChb: creates a check box of gap sets
createGapRb createGapRb: creates a radio button of gap sets
createJointRM createJointRM: creates a joint recurrence matrix
createJointRMPlot createJointRMPlot: creates a cross recurrence plot
createNote createNote: creates a note on the input panel
createOK createOK: creates the OK or NEXT button on the input panel
createRandGaps createRandGaps: create random gaps in a time series
createRandName createRandName: creates a random name
createRb createRb: creates a radio button
createRmChb createRmChb: creates a check box of recurrence matrices
createRmRb createRmRb: creates a radiobutton of recurrence matrices
createSimpleRM createSimpleRM: creates a recurrence matrix
createSimpleRMPlot createSimpleRMPlot: creates a recurrence plot
createSpecGaps createSpecGaps: creates a specific gap in a time series
createSubPanR4C1 createSubPanR4C1: creates the input panel on the main screen
createTITLE createTITLE: create a title on the input panel
createTitle createTitle: creates a title in the input panel
createTsChb createTsChb: creates a check box of time series
createTsRb createTsRb: creates a radiobutton of time series
cumuKTS cumuKTS: creates a cumulated time series

-- D --

destroyMainScreen A function to destroy KarsTS main screen
destroyWelcome destroyWelcome: destroys KarsTS welcome screen
determinismKTS determinismKTS: estimate determinism
diffKTS diffKTS: calculate differences of a time series

-- E --

E1dAndE2d E1dAndE2d: invariants E1(d) and E2(d)
embedData embedData: embeds a time series
endingLines endingLines: add three lines of asterisks on the output panel
exportall exportall: exports all types of data sets

-- F --

fillWithTwins fillWithTwins: fills missing values using twin points
findDateFormat findDateFormat: finds the format of a set of dates
findTwins findTwins: finds twin points in a recurrence matrix
fnnKTS fnn: plots embedding dimendion vs false nearest neighbors
functToExport functToExport: functions to export

-- G --

gamKTS A function to fill values by means of a generalized additive model
gapCheckedTF gapCheckedTF: identifies checked gap sets
gapDetect gapDetect: identifies the gap sets currently loaded
gapForSelMethod gapForSelMethod: gap set to fill
genGapExample A function to generate a gap set example
genRmExample A function to generate a recurrence matrix example
genTSExample A function to generate an example time series
getClassEnvir getClassEnvir: get objects of a class from an environment
getCoordsKTS getCoordsKTS: get coordinates from a plot
getCRP getCRP: gets the correlation probability of recurrence
getDelayCharTimes getDelayCharTimes: transforms dates from character to numeric.
getFANRM2 getFANRM2: creates a fixed amount of neighbours (FAN) matrix via console.
getGapsAfterFill getGapsAfterFill: get the remaining gaps
getMaxNegSlope getMaxNegSlope: get the maximum negative slope
getMaxPosSlope getMaxPosSlope: get the maximum negative slope
getNAsGaps getNAsGaps: get the gaps in a time series
getNewGapsInd A function to create random gaps
getOtherErrEstim getOtherErrEstim: get some error estimates from a linear fit
getProTaos getProTaos:calculate the probability of recurrence
getRecurrencePoints A function to get recurrent points in a time series
getRollStatistics getRollStatistics: get rolling statistics It is used internally
getSamPerTable getSamPerTable: get sampling periods table
getSamPerTable.1Freq getSamPerTable.1Freq: get sampling periods table (time series with one frequency)
getScreenSize getScreenSize: gets the computer screen size
getStatistics getStatistics: calculates the statistics of a time series
getUniqueSampPer getUniqueSampPer: get unique sampling periods
goodnessFilling goodnessFilling: estimate the goodness of the filling
groupDates groupDates: groups dates
groupIndices groupIndices: group indices

-- H --

histKTS histKTS: plots histogram

-- I --

invariantsKTS invariantsKTS: invariant plots
isTimeAlright isTimeAlright: checks whether a set of dates fits KarsTS format

-- K --

KarsTS KarsTS: launches KarsTS
KTSEnv functToExport: functions to export

-- L --

laminarityKTS laminarityKTS: estimate laminarity
linCorrKTS linCorrKTS: linear correlation plot
linearityKTS linearityKTS: linearity tests
loadAllTypes loadAllTypes: load all types of data sets
loadKarsTSFonts loadKarsTSFonts: load KarsTS fonts
loessKTS loess: loess smoothing

-- M --

mainScreen mainScreen: launches the main screen
makeGlobal functToExport: functions to export
meanValue meanValue: mean value filling
mergeTsOrGap mergeTsOrGap: merges time series or gap sets
missForestKTS missForestKTS: filling missing values with random forest algorithm
modeKTS modeKTS: computes the mode
mutInf mutInf: mutual information
mutualKTS mutualKTS: plots the mutual information
myApplyVector myApplyVector: apply type function
myLinModel myLinModel: performs a linear fit
myScale myScale: scaling function

-- N --

naApproxKTS naApproxKTS: filling by linear interpolation
NAs4Resamp NAs4Resamp: upsamples a time series.
naSplinesKTS naSplinesKTS: filling by spline interpolation
normalityKTS normalityKTS: normality tests

-- P --

packagesToImport packagesToImport: packages to import to KarsTS
pcaKTS pcaKTS: principal component analysis
plotTimeSeries plotTimeSeries: plot time series

-- R --

readMultEntryvalues readMultEntryvalues: verifies multiple entry values
refreshDataSetsList refreshDataSetsList: refreshes KarsTS data set list
removeAllTypes removeAllTypes: removes data sets
removeIfExists removeIfExists: remove if exists
removePoints removePoints: graphically remove points from a time series
renameAllTypes renameAllTypes: rename all types of data sets
rmCheckedTF rmCheckedTF: identifies checked recurrence matrices
rmDetect rmDetect: identifies the recurrence matrices currently loaded
rmSlopeOutliers rmSlopeOutliers: slope filter
rollStatisticsKTS rollStatisticsKTS: rolling statistics
roundKTS roundKTS: rounding
RPKTS Recurrence of probability

-- S --

saveAllTypes saveAllTypes: saves all types of data sets.
saveReport saveReport: saves report
scaleKTS scaleKTS: scale time series
scattTimeSeries A function for plotting time series in the phase space
selectionGaps selectionGaps: select gaps in a time series
selectionTS selectionTS
separateEntry separateEntry: separates and checks comma-separated entry values
setCorrectDate setCorrectDate: verifies date entry and returns proper output
setwdKTS setwdKTS: set working directory
showHelp showHelp: shows KarsTS help
slopeOutliersBut slopeOutliersBut: remove slope outliers
stationarityKTS stationarityKTS: stationarity tests
statisticsKTS statisticsKTS: calculates the statistics of one or more time series
stinemannKTS stinemannKTS: filling by Stinemann's interpolation
stlplusKTS stlplusKTS: loess seasonal decomposition

-- T --

theilerKTS theilerKTS: apply Theiler's window via interface
tsCheckedTF tsCheckedTF: identifies checked time series
tsDetect tsDetect: identifies the time series currently loaded

-- V --

verifyCharEntry verifyCharEntry: verify character entries
verifyDateEntry verifyDateEntry: verify date entries
verifyIntEntry verifyIntEntry: verify integer entries
verifyRealEntry verifyRealEntry: verify character entries

-- W --

welcomeScreen welcomeScreen: launches the welcome screen
windRoseKTS windRoseKTS: wind rose
writeMethodSummary writeMethodSummary: writes a summary of the filling method
writeMethodTitle writeMethodTitle: writes a title on KarsTS output window