KHQ5D_data {KHQ}R Documentation

KHQ five dimension data


This data set contains an example of 30 responses of the KHQ5D.




This data frame has 30 rows and the following 5 columns:


Role Limitations: 1. Your bladder problem does not affect your household tasks, job, or normal daily activities outside the home; 2. Your bladder problem slightly affects your household tasks, job, or normal daily activities outside the home; 3. Your bladder problem moderately affects your household tasks, job, or normal daily activities outside the home; 4. Your bladder problem affects your household tasks, job, or normal daily activities outside the home a lot.


Physical Limitations: 1. Your bladder problem does not affect your physical activities or ability to travel; 2. Your bladder problem slightly affects your physical activities or ability to travel; 3. Your bladder problem moderately affects your physical activities or ability to travel; 4. Your bladder problem affects your physical activities or ability to travel a lot.


Social Limitations: 1. Your bladder problem does not limit your ability to see/visit friends or affect your family life; 2. Your bladder problem slightly limits your ability to see/visit friends or affects your family life; 3. Your bladder problem moderately limits your ability to see/visit friends or affects your family life; 4. Your bladder problem limits your ability to see/visit friends or affects your family life a lot.


Emotions: 1. Your bladder problem does not make you feel depressed or anxious and nervous; 2. Your bladder problem makes you feel slightly depressed or anxious and nervous; 3. Your bladder problem makes you feel moderately depressed or anxious and nervous; 4. Your bladder problem makes you feel depressed or anxious and nervous a lot.


Sleep: 1. Your bladder problem does not affect your sleep; 2. Your bladder problem slightly affects your sleep; 3. Your bladder problem moderately affects your sleep; 4. Your bladder problem affects your sleep a lot.


Example data


Brazier J, Czoski-Murray C, Roberts J, Brown M, Symonds T, Kelleher C. Estimation of a preference-based index from a condition-specific measure: the King's Health Questionnaire. Med Decis Making. 2008 Jan-Feb;28(1):113-26. doi:10.1177/0272989X07301820. PubMed


KHQ5D(scores = KHQ5D_data, country = "UK", type = "SG",
  author = "Brazier", year = 2008, source = "KHQ",
  ignore.invalid = TRUE)

KHQ5D(scores = KHQ5D_data, country = "UK", type = "SG",
  author = "Brazier", year = 2008, source = "KHQ",
  save.xlsx = FALSE, filename = "Res_KHQ5D_uti_ind.xlsx",
  sheetName = "Utility_Index", ignore.invalid = TRUE)

[Package KHQ version 0.2.0 Index]