bootstrap {KGode} | R Documentation |
The 'bootstrap' function
This function is used to perform bootstrap procedure to estimate parameter uncertainty.
bootstrap(kkk, y_no, ktype, K, ode_par, intp_data, www = NULL)
kkk |
ode class object. |
y_no |
matrix(of size n_s*n_o) containing noisy observations. The row(of length n_s) represent the ode states and the column(of length n_o) represents the time points. |
ktype |
character containing kernel type. User can choose 'rbf' or 'mlp' kernel. |
K |
the number of bootstrap replicates to collect. |
ode_par |
a vector of ode parameters estimated using gradient matching. |
intp_data |
a list of interpolations produced by gradient matching for each ode state. |
www |
an optional warping object (if warping has been performed using warpfun). |
Arguments of the 'bootstrap' function are 'ode' class, noisy observation, kernel type, the set of parameters that have been estimated before using gradient matching, a list of interpolations for each of the ode state from gradient matching, and the warping object (if warping has been performed). It returns a vector of the median absolute standard deviations for each ode state, computed from the bootstrap replicates.
return a vector of the median absolute deviation (MAD) for each ode state.
Mu Niu
## Not run:
noise = 0.1 ## set the variance of noise
SEED = 19537
## Define ode function, we use lotka-volterra model in this example.
## we have two ode states x[1], x[2] and four ode parameters alpha, beta, gamma and delta.
LV_fun = function(t,x,par_ode){
as.matrix( c( alpha*x[1]-beta*x[2]*x[1] , -gamma*x[2]+delta*x[1]*x[2] ) )
## Define the gradient of ode function against ode parameters
## df/dalpha, df/dbeta, df/dgamma, df/ddelta where f is the differential equation.
LV_grlNODE= function(par,grad_ode,y_p,z_p) {
alpha = par[1]; beta= par[2]; gamma = par[3]; delta = par[4]
dres= c(0)
dres[1] = sum( -2*( z_p[1,]-grad_ode[1,])*y_p[1,]*alpha )
dres[2] = sum( 2*( z_p[1,]-grad_ode[1,])*y_p[2,]*y_p[1,]*beta)
dres[3] = sum( 2*( z_p[2,]-grad_ode[2,])*gamma*y_p[2,] )
dres[4] = sum( -2*( z_p[2,]-grad_ode[2,])*y_p[2,]*y_p[1,]*delta)
## create a ode class object
kkk0 = ode$new(2,fun=LV_fun,grfun=LV_grlNODE)
## set the initial values for each state at time zero.
xinit = as.matrix(c(0.5,1))
## set the time interval for the ode numerical solver.
tinterv = c(0,6)
## solve the ode numerically using predefined ode parameters. alpha=1, beta=1, gamma=4, delta=1.
## Add noise to the numerical solution of the ode model and use it as the noisy observation.
n_o = max( dim( kkk0$y_ode) )
t_no = kkk0$t
y_no = t(kkk0$y_ode) + rmvnorm(n_o,c(0,0),noise*diag(2))
## Create a ode class object by using the simulation data we created from the ode numerical solver.
## If users have experiment data, they can replace the simulation data with the experiment data.
## Set initial value of ode parameters.
init_par = rep(c(0.1),4)
init_yode = t(y_no)
init_t = t_no
kkk = ode$new(1,fun=LV_fun,grfun=LV_grlNODE,t=init_t,ode_par= init_par, y_ode=init_yode )
## The following examples with CPU or elapsed time > 10s
##Use function 'rkg' to estimate the ode parameters. The standard gradient matching method is coded
##in the the 'rkg' function. The parameter estimations are stored in the returned vector of 'rkg'.
## Choose a kernel type for 'rkhs' interpolation. Two options are provided 'rbf' and 'mlp'.
ktype ='rbf'
rkgres = rkg(kkk,y_no,ktype)
## show the results of ode parameter estimation using the standard gradient matching
## Perform bootstrap procedure to estimate the median absolute deviations of ode parameters
# here we get the resulting interpolation from gradient matching using 'rkg' for each ode state
bbb = rkgres$bbb
nst = length(bbb)
intp_data = list()
for( i in 1:nst) {
intp_data[[i]] = bbb[[i]]$predictT(bbb[[i]]$t)$pred
K = 12 # the number of bootstrap replicates
mads = bootstrap(kkk, y_no, ktype, K, ode_par, intp_data)
## show the results of ode parameter estimation and its uncertainty
## using the standard gradient matching
############# gradient matching + ODE regularisation
lamil1 = crossv(lam,kkk,bbb,crtype,y_no)
res = third(lambdai1,kkk,bbb,crtype)
oppar = res$oppar
### do bootstrap here for gradient matching + ODE regularisation
ode_par = oppar
K = 12
intp_data = list()
for( i in 1:nst) {
intp_data[[i]] = res$rk3$rk[[i]]$predictT(bbb[[i]]$t)$pred
mads = bootstrap(kkk, y_no, ktype, K, ode_par, intp_data)
############# gradient matching + ODE regularisation + warping
###### warp state
peod = c(6,5.3) #8#9.7 ## the guessing period
eps= 1 ## the standard deviation of period
kkkrkg = kkk$clone()
www = warpfun(kkkrkg,bbb,peod,eps,fixlens,y_no,kkkrkg$t)
### do bootstrap here for gradient matching + ODE regularisation + warping
nst = length(bbb)
K = 12
ode_par = www$wkkk$ode_par
intp_data = list()
for( i in 1:nst) {
intp_data[[i]] = www$bbbw[[i]]$predictT(www$wtime[i, ])$pred
mads = bootstrap(kkk, y_no, ktype, K, ode_par, intp_data,www)
## End(Not run)