transformSSM {KFAS}R Documentation

Transform Multivariate State Space Model for Sequential Processing


transformSSM transforms the general multivariate Gaussian state space model to form suitable for sequential processing.


transformSSM(object, type = c("ldl", "augment"), tol)



State space model object from function SSModel.


Option "ldl" performs LDL decomposition for covariance matrix HtH_t, and multiplies the observation equation with the Lt1L_t^{-1}, so ϵtN(0,Dt)\epsilon_t^* \sim N(0,D_t). Option "augment" adds ϵt\epsilon_t to the state vector, so QtQ_t becomes block diagonal with blocks QtQ_t and HtH_t.


Tolerance parameter for LDL decomposition (see ldl). Default is max(100, max(abs(apply(object$H, 3, diag)))) * .Machine$double.eps.


As all the functions in KFAS use univariate approach i.e. sequential processing, the covariance matrix HtH_t of the observation equation needs to be either diagonal or zero matrix. Function transformSSM performs either the LDL decomposition of HtH_t, or augments the state vector with the disturbances of the observation equation.

In case of a LDL decomposition, the new HtH_t contains the diagonal part of the decomposition, whereas observations yty_t and system matrices ZtZ_t are multiplied with the inverse of LtL_t. Note that although the state estimates and their error covariances obtained by Kalman filtering and smoothing are identical with those obtained from ordinary multivariate filtering, the one-step-ahead errors vtv_t and their variances FtF_t do differ. The typical multivariate versions can be obtained from output of KFS using mvInnovations function.

In case of augmentation of the state vector, some care is needed interpreting the subsequent filtering/smoothing results: For example the muhat from the output of KFS now contains also the smoothed observational level noise as that is part of the state vector.



Transformed model.

[Package KFAS version 1.5.1 Index]