Julian Miscellaneous Function

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Documentation for package ‘Jmisc’ version

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%+% Concatenate two strings
addCol Add a constant column to a data.frame or matrix
demean Demean a vector or a matrix (by column)
evalFunctionOnList Evaluate Function Under Local Variables
generateSignificance Generate t-statistics, p-value and significance
JBTest p Value of Jarque Bera test
label_both_parsed_recode Combine label_both and label_parsed in 'ggplot2'.
oapply Outer apply
packages load packages with auto-installation
recode Recode the value of a vector
repCol Repeat a vector by col
repRow Repeat a vector by row
shift shift a vector by 'shift_by' unit
sourceAll Source all the R files of a directory
splitBy Split a vector by a sequence of length
tic Start Stop clock to measure performance
toc Start Stop clock to measure performance