controlInputVariables |
Check if given variabels are null |
controlLimit |
Check if given limit is smaller than 200 |
getAlbum |
Search Jamendo database for an album |
getAlbumMusicinfo |
Get tag list of an album |
getAlbums |
Search Jamendo database for several albums |
getAlbumTracks |
Get tracks from an album |
getArtist |
Search Jamendo database for an artist |
getArtistAlbums |
Get albums from an artist |
getArtistMusicinfo |
Get tag list of an artist |
getArtists |
Search Jamendo database for several artists |
getArtistsLocation |
This method let you select and filter geographical locations which artists have declared as reference for themselves |
getArtistTracks |
Get tracks from an artist |
getAutocompleteSearch |
Search Jamendo database for a string |
getFeed |
This method returns the editorial feeds that you can find also on the Jamendo homepage. |
getMyPlaylists |
Get your own playlists |
getMyUserProfile |
Get information about your user profile |
getPlaylist |
Search Jamendo database for a playlist |
getPlaylistsNamesearch |
Search Jamendo database for playlists with certain name |
getPlaylistTracks |
Get all tracks from a playlist |
getRadio |
This method returns information about a jamendo radio |
getRadios |
This method returns the list of existing jamendo radios |
getReviewsAlbums |
This method lets you filter and browse album reviews |
getReviewsAlbumsUser |
This method lets you filter and browse album reviews from a specific user |
getReviewsArtistAlbums |
This method lets you filter and browse album reviews for a specific artist |
getReviewsTracks |
This method lets you filter and browse track reviews |
getTrack |
Search Jamendo database for a track |
getTracks |
Search Jamendo database for several tracks |
getTracksNamesearch |
Search Jamendo database for a track |
getTracksSimilar |
Search Jamendo database for a track |
getTracksTags |
Search Jamendo database for a track |
getUserProfile |
Search Jamendo database for a user |
getUserProfileAlbums |
Get albums a user added to myalbums |
getUserProfileArtists |
Get artists a user is a fan of |
getUserProfileTracks |
Get tracks a user has liked, added to favorite or reviewed |
jamendoOAuth |
Create OAuth token to access jamendo web API |
jamendoR |
'jamendoR' package |
parseResponse |
Parse response from POST request for setUser functions |
resfreshToken |
Refresh expired OAuth token to access jamendo web API |
setUserDislike |
Dislike the track given by Track ID |
setUserFan |
Become a fan of an artist |
setUserFavorite |
Add a given track to your preferites |
setUserLike |
Like the track given by Track ID |
setUserMyalbum |
Add album to your list of favorite albums myalbums |