mvJointModelBayes {JMbayes}R Documentation

Multivariate Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data


Fits multivariate shared parameter joint models for longitudinal and survival outcomes under a Bayesian approach.


mvJointModelBayes(mvglmerObject, survObject, timeVar,
    Formulas = list(NULL), Interactions = list(NULL),
    transFuns = NULL, priors = NULL, multiState = FALSE, 
    data_MultiState = NULL, idVar_MultiState = "id", 
    control = NULL, ...)



an object of class 'mvglmer' fitted by function mvglmer().


an object of class 'coxph' fitted by function coxph() or 'survreg' fitted by function survreg() from package survival.


a character string indicating the time variable in the multivariate mixed effects model.


a list of lists. Each inner list should have components fixed a formula representing the fixed-effects part of the user-defined term, indFixed a numeric vector indicating which fixed effects of mvglmerObject are involved in the user-defined term, random a formula representing the random-effects part of the user-defined term, and indRamdom a numeric vector indicating which random effects of mvglmerObject are involved in the user-defined term. See Examples.


a list specifying interaction terms for the components of the longitudinal outcomes that are included in the survival submodel. See Examples.


a character vector providing transformations of the linear predictors of the mixed models that enter in the linear predictor of the relative risk model. Currently available options are "identity" (identity function), "expit" (logistic transformation), "exp", "log", "log2", "log10" and "sqrt".


a named list of user-specified prior parameters:


the prior mean vector of the normal prior for the B-splines coefficients used to approximate the baseline hazard.


the prior precision matrix of the normal prior for the B-splines coefficients used to approximate the baseline hazard.


the prior mean vector of the normal prior for the regression coefficients of baseline covariates.


the prior precision matrix of the normal prior for the regression coefficients of baseline covariates.


the prior mean vector of the normal prior for the association parameters.


the prior mean vector of the normal prior for the association parameters.


the prior shape parameter of the Gamma prior for the precision parameter of the penalty term for the B-splines coefficients for the baseline hazard.


the prior rate parameter of the Gamma prior for the precision parameter of the penalty term for the B-splines coefficients for the baseline hazard.


logical; should the regression coefficients for the baseline covariates be shrinked.


the prior shape parameter of the Gamma prior for the precision parameter of the global penalty term baseline regression coefficients. Only relevant when shrink_gammas = TRUE.


the prior rate parameter of the Gamma prior for the precision parameter of the penalty term for the baseline regression coefficients. Only relevant when shrink_gammas = TRUE.


the prior shape parameter of the Gamma prior for the precision parameters of each baseline regression coefficients. Only relevant when shrink_gammas = TRUE.


the prior rate parameter of the Gamma prior for the precision parameters of each baseline regression coefficients. Only relevant when shrink_gammas = TRUE.


logical; should the association parameters be shrinked.


the prior shape parameter of the Gamma prior for the precision parameter of the global penalty term for the association parameters. Only relevant when shrink_alphas = TRUE.


the prior rate parameter of the Gamma prior for the precision parameter of the penalty term for the association parameters. Only relevant when shrink_alphas = TRUE.


the prior shape parameter of the Gamma prior for the precision parameters of each association parameter. Only relevant when shrink_alphas = TRUE.


the prior rate parameter of the Gamma prior for the precision parameters of each association parameter. Only relevant when shrink_alphas = TRUE.


logical; if TRUE then a joint model for longitudinal and multi-state survival data is fitted.


A data.frame that contains all the variables which were used to fit the multi-state model. This data.frame should be in long format and include one row for each transition for which a subject is at risk. A column called trans indicating the transition to which each row corresponds to, must be included in the data.frame. Function msprep() from package mstate can be used to easily convert datasets from wide format (one row per subject) to long format while including the necessary trans column. For more information and examples see the documentation for function msprep() from package mstate.


A character string indicating the id variable in data_MultiState for the multi-state model.


a list of control values with components:


integer specifying the total number of iterations after burn in; default is 300.


integer specifying how many of iterations to discard as burn-in; default is 1000.


integer specifying the thinning of the chains; default is 300.


integer specifying the number of block iterations in which the acceptance rates are checked; default is 100.


a numeric scalar denoting the target acceptance rate; default is 0.234.


a numeric vector of knots positions for the spline approximation of the log baseline risk function; default is NULL, which means that the knots are calculated based on the percentiles of the observed event times.


logical; if TRUE (default), the knots are set using the percentiles of the observed event times (i.e., including both true events and censored observations). If FALSE, the knots are set based on the percentiles of the true event times alone.

a numeric scalar indicating the number of knots to use (based on the percentiles); default is 15.


an integer setting the order of the spline function. This is the number of coefficients in each piecewise polynomial segment, thus a cubic spline has order 4; default is 4.


an integer setting the order of the differences in the calculation of the penalty term for the penalized baseline hazard; default is 2.


an integer setting the random seed; default is 1.


an integer specifying the number of cores to use. Default is the the available cores minus one.


a character string specifying the type of Gaussian quadrature to be used. Options are "GaussKronrod" (default) and "GaussLegendre".


an integer specifying the number of quadrature points; default is 15.


options passed to the control argument.


The mathematical details regarding the definition of the multivariate joint model, and the capabilities of the package can be found in the vignette in the doc directory.


A list of class mvJMbayes with components:


a list with the MCMC samples for each parameter.


a copy of the components element of mvglmerObject.


a list of data used to fit the model.


a copy of the control values used in the fit.

a list with information over the MCMC (i.e., time it took, iterations, etc.).


a copy of the priors used.


a list with posterior weighted means.


a list with posterior means.


a list with posterior modes calculated using kernel desnisty estimation.


a list with effective sample sizes.


a list with posterior standard errors.


a list with posterior standard deviations.


a list with 95% credible intervals.


a list of tail probabilities for containg the zero value.


the matched call.


Dimitris Rizopoulos


Henderson, R., Diggle, P. and Dobson, A. (2000) Joint modelling of longitudinal measurements and event time data. Biostatistics 1, 465–480.

Hsieh, F., Tseng, Y.-K. and Wang, J.-L. (2006) Joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data: Likelihood approach revisited. Biometrics 62, 1037–1043.

Rizopoulos, D. (2016). The R package JMbayes for fitting joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data using MCMC. Journal of Statistical Software 72(7), 1–45. doi:10.18637/jss.v072.i07.

Rizopoulos, D. (2012) Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data: With Applications in R. Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall/CRC.

Rizopoulos, D. (2011) Dynamic predictions and prospective accuracy in joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data. Biometrics 67, 819–829.

Tsiatis, A. and Davidian, M. (2004) Joint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event data: an overview. Statistica Sinica 14, 809–834.

Wulfsohn, M. and Tsiatis, A. (1997) A joint model for survival and longitudinal data measured with error. Biometrics 53, 330–339.

See Also

mvglmer, jointModelBayes


## Not run:$Time <-$years$event <- as.numeric($status != "alive")


# Univariate joint model for serum bilirubin #

# [1] Fit the mixed model using mvglmer(). The main arguments of this function are:
# 'formulas' a list of lme4-like formulas (a formular per outcome),
# 'data' a data.frame that contains all the variables specified in 'formulas' (NAs allowed),
# 'families' a list of family objects specifying the type of each outcome (currently only
# gaussian, binomial and poisson are allowed).
MixedModelFit1 <- mvglmer(list(log(serBilir) ~ year + (year | id)), data = pbc2,
                          families = list(gaussian))

# [2] Fit a Cox model, specifying the baseline covariates to be included in the joint
# model; you need to set argument 'model' to TRUE.
CoxFit1 <- coxph(Surv(Time, event) ~ drug + age, data =, model = TRUE)

# [3] The basic joint model is fitted using a call to mvJointModelBayes(), which is very
# similar to JointModelBayes(), i.e.,
JMFit1 <- mvJointModelBayes(MixedModelFit1, CoxFit1, timeVar = "year")


# Bivariate joint model for serum bilirubin and spiders #

MixedModelFit2 <- mvglmer(list(log(serBilir) ~ year + (year | id),
                               spiders ~ year + (1 | id)), data = pbc2,
                          families = list(gaussian, binomial))

CoxFit2 <- coxph(Surv(Time, event) ~ drug + age, data =, model = TRUE)

JMFit2 <- mvJointModelBayes(MixedModelFit2, CoxFit2, timeVar = "year")


# slopes & area terms #

# We extend model 'JMFit2' by including the value and slope term for bilirubin, and
# the area term for spiders (in the log-odds scale). To include these terms into the model
# we specify the 'Formulas' argument. This is specified in a similar manner as the
# 'derivForms' argument of jointModelBayes(). In particular, it should be a list of lists.
# Each component of the outer list should have as name the name of the corresponding
# outcome variable. Then in the inner list we need to specify four components, namely,
# 'fixed' & 'random' R formulas specifying the fixed and random effects part of the term
# to be included, and 'indFixed' & 'indRandom' integer indicices specifying which of the
# original fixed and random effects are involved in the claculation of the new term. In
# the inner list you can also optionally specify a name for the term you want to include.
# Notes: (1) For terms not specified in the 'Formulas' list, the default value functional
# form is used. (2) If for a particular outcome you want to include both the value
# functional form and an extra term, then you need to specify that in the 'Formulas'
# using two entries. To include the value functional form you only need to set the
# corresponding to 'value', and for the second term to specify the inner list. See
# example below on how to include the value and slope for serum bilirubin (for example,
# if the list below the entry '"log(serBilir)" = "value"' was not give, then only the
# slope term would have been included in the survival submodel).

Forms <- list("log(serBilir)" = "value",
              "log(serBilir)" = list(fixed = ~ 1, random = ~ 1,
                                     indFixed = 2, indRandom = 2, name = "slope"),
              "spiders" = list(fixed = ~ 0 + year + I(year^2/2), random = ~ 0 + year,
                               indFixed = 1:2, indRandom = 1, name = "area"))

JMFit3 <- update(JMFit2, Formulas = Forms)


# Interaction terms #

# We further extend the previous model by including the interactions terms between the
# terms specified in 'Formulas' and 'drug'. The names specified in the list that defined
# the interaction factors should match with the names of the output from 'JMFit3'; the
# only exception is with regard to the 'value' functional form. See specification below
# (to include the interaction of the value term of 'log(serBilir)' with 'drug', in the
# list we can either specify as name of the corresponding formula 'log(serBilir)_value'
# or just 'log(serBilir)'):

Ints <- list("log(serBilir)" = ~ drug, "log(serBilir)_slope" = ~ drug,
             "spiders_area" = ~ drug)

# because of the many association parameters we have, we place a shrinkage prior on the
# alpha coefficients. In particular, if we have K association parameters, we assume that
# alpha_k ~ N(0, tau * phi_k), k = 1, ..., K. The precision parameters tau and phi_k are
# given Gamma priors. Precision tau is global shrinkage parameter, and phi_k a specific
# per alpha coefficient.
JMFit4 <- update(JMFit3, Interactions = Ints, priors = list(shrink_alphas = TRUE))


# Time-varying effects #

# We allow the association parameter to vary with time; the time-varying coefficients are
# approximated with P-splines
JMFit_tveffect <- mvJointModelBayes(MixedModelFit1, CoxFit1, timeVar = "year",
                    Interactions = list("log(serBilir)_value" = ~ 0 + tve(Time, df = 8)))

plot(JMFit_tveffect, "tv_effect")


# Interval censoring terms #

# create artificial interval censoring in the PBC data set
pbc2$status2 <- as.numeric(pbc2$status != "alive")$status2 <- as.numeric($status != "alive")
pbc2$status3 <- as.character(pbc2$status)
ff <- function (x) {
    out <- if (x[1L] %in% c('dead', 'transplanted')) 'dead' else 
        switch(sample(1:3, 1), '1' = "alive", '2' = "left", '3' = "interval")
    rep(out, length(x))
pbc2$status3 <- unlist(with(pbc2, lapply(split(status3, id), ff)), use.names = FALSE)
pbc2$status3 <- unname(with(pbc2, sapply(status3, function (x) 
    switch(x, 'dead' = 1, 'alive' = 0, 'left' = 2, 'interval' = 3))))
pbc2$yearsU <- as.numeric(NA)
pbc2$yearsU[pbc2$status3 == 3] <- pbc2$years[pbc2$status3 == 3] + 
    runif(sum(pbc2$status3 == 3), 0, 4) <- pbc2[!duplicated(pbc2$id), ]

# next we fit a weibull model for interval censored data
survFit <- survreg(Surv(years, yearsU, status3, type = "interval") ~ drug + age, 
                   data =, model = TRUE)

# next we fit the joint model (we use 'MixedModelFit1' from above)
JMFit_intcens <- mvJointModelBayes(MixedModelFit1, survFit, timeVar = "year")

## End(Not run)

[Package JMbayes version 0.8-85 Index]