jointModelBayes {JMbayes} | R Documentation |
Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data
Fits shared parameter joint models for longitudinal and survival outcomes under a Bayesian approach.
jointModelBayes(lmeObject, survObject, timeVar,
param = c("td-value", "td-extra", "td-both", "shared-betasRE", "shared-RE"),
extraForm = NULL, baseHaz = c("P-splines", "regression-splines"),
transFun = NULL, densLong = NULL, lag = 0, df.RE = NULL,
estimateWeightFun = FALSE, weightFun = NULL, init = NULL,
priors = NULL, scales = NULL, control = list(), ...)
lmeObject |
an object of class 'lme' fitted by function |
survObject |
an object of class 'coxph' fitted by function |
timeVar |
a character string indicating the time variable in the mixed effects model. |
param |
a character string specifying the type of association structure between the longitudinal and survival processes. See Details. |
extraForm |
a list with components |
baseHaz |
a character string specifying the type of the baseline hazard function. See Details. |
transFun |
a function or a named list with elements |
densLong |
a function with arguments |
lag |
a numeric scalar denoting a lag effect in the time-dependent covariate represented by the mixed model; default is 0. |
df.RE |
a numeric scalar denoting the number of degrees of freedom for the Student's- |
estimateWeightFun |
logical; experimental, not in use yet. |
weightFun |
a weight function; experimental, not in use yet. |
init |
a named list of user-specified initial values:
When this list of initial values does not contain some of these components or contains components not of the appropriate length, then the default initial values are used instead. |
priors |
a named list of user-specified prior parameters:
scales |
a named list with names as in |
control |
a list of control values with components:
... |
options passed to the |
Function jointModelBayes
fits joint models for longitudinal and survival data under a Bayesian approach. For the longitudinal
responses a linear mixed effects model represented by the lmeObject
is assumed, unless the user specifies his own probability
density function using argument densLong
. For the survival times, let denote the vector of baseline covariates in
, with associated parameter vector ,
the subject-specific linear predictor at time point
as defined by the mixed model (i.e.,
equals the fixed-effects part
random-effects part of the mixed
effects model for sample unit ),
denotes an extra user-defined term (based on the specification of argument
) to be included in the linear predictor of the survival submodel, and and
vector of
association parameters for
, respectively. Then,
assumes a relative risk model of the form
where the baseline risk function is approximated using splines, i.e.,
with denoting a B-spline basis function,
a vector of knots, and
the corresponding
splines coefficients (
correspond to
above). Argument baseHaz
specifies whether a
penalized- or regression-spline-approximation is employed. For the former the P-splines approach of Eilers and Marx (1996) is used,
namely the prior for is taken to be proportional to
where denotes the
differences matrix (the order of the differences is set by the control argument
Function specifies the association structure between the two processes. In particular, for
param = "td-value"
for param = "td-extra"
for param = "td-both"
for param = "shared-RE"
and for param = "shared-betasRE"
where and
denote possible
transformation functions,
denotes the vector of random effects for
th subject and
the fixed effects that correspond to the random effects.
See JMbayesObject
for the components of the fit.
1. The lmeObject
argument should represent a mixed model object without any special structure in the random-effects
covariance matrix (i.e., no use of pdMats
2. The lmeObject
object should not contain any within-group correlation structure (i.e., correlation
argument of lme()
) or within-group heteroscedasticity structure (i.e., weights
argument of lme()
3. It is assumed that the linear mixed effects model lmeObject
and the survival model survObject
have been
fitted to the same subjects. Moreover, it is assumed that the ordering of the subjects is the same for both
and survObject
, i.e., that the first line in the data frame containing the event times
corresponds to the first set of lines identified by the grouping variable in the data frame containing the repeated
measurements, and so on. Furthermore, the scale of the time variable (e.g., days, months, years) should be the same in both
the lmeObject
and survObject
4. In the print
and summary
generic functions for class jointModel
, the estimated coefficients (and
standard errors for the summary
generic) for the event process are augmented with the element "Assoct" that
corresponds to the association parameter and the element "AssoctE" that corresponds to the parameter
is "td-extra"
or "td-both"
(see Details).
Dimitris Rizopoulos
Henderson, R., Diggle, P. and Dobson, A. (2000) Joint modelling of longitudinal measurements and event time data. Biostatistics 1, 465–480.
Hsieh, F., Tseng, Y.-K. and Wang, J.-L. (2006) Joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data: Likelihood approach revisited. Biometrics 62, 1037–1043.
Rizopoulos, D. (2016). The R package JMbayes for fitting joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data using MCMC. Journal of Statistical Software 72(7), 1–45. doi:10.18637/jss.v072.i07.
Rizopoulos, D. (2012) Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data: With Applications in R. Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall/CRC.
Rizopoulos, D. (2011) Dynamic predictions and prospective accuracy in joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data. Biometrics 67, 819–829.
Tsiatis, A. and Davidian, M. (2004) Joint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event data: an overview. Statistica Sinica 14, 809–834.
Wulfsohn, M. and Tsiatis, A. (1997) A joint model for survival and longitudinal data measured with error. Biometrics 53, 330–339.
See Also
## Not run:
# A joint model for the AIDS dataset:
# First we fit the linear mixed model for the longitudinal measurements of
# sqrt CD4 cell counts
lmeFit.aids <- lme(CD4 ~ obstime * drug, random = ~ obstime | patient, data = aids)
# next we fit the Cox model for the time to death (including the 'x = TRUE' argument)
survFit.aids <- coxph(Surv(Time, death) ~ drug, data =, x = TRUE)
# the corresponding joint model is fitted by (the default is to assume
# the current value parameterization)
jointFit.aids <- jointModelBayes(lmeFit.aids, survFit.aids, timeVar = "obstime")
# A joint model for the PBC dataset:
# We first fit the linear mixed and Cox models. In the first we include
# splines to model flexibly the subject-specific longitudinal trajectories
lmeFit.pbc <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ ns(year, 2),
random = list(id = pdDiag(form = ~ ns(year, 2))), data = pbc2)
survFit.pbc <- coxph(Surv(years, status2) ~ 1, data =, x = TRUE)
# the corresponding joint model is fitted by:
jointFit.pbc <- jointModelBayes(lmeFit.pbc, survFit.pbc, timeVar = "year",
baseHaz = "regression-splines")
# we update the joint model fitted for the PBC dataset by including
# the time-dependent slopes term. To achieve this we need to define
# the 'extraForm' argument, in which we use function dns() to numerically
# compute the derivative of the natural cubic spline. In addition, we increase
# the number of MCMC iterations to 35000
dform = list(fixed = ~ 0 + dns(year, 2), random = ~ 0 + dns(year, 2),
indFixed = 2:3, indRandom = 2:3)
jointFit.pbc2 <- update(jointFit.pbc, param = "td-both", extraForm = dform,
n.iter = 35000)
# we fit the same model with the shared random effects formulation
jointFit.pbc3 <- update(jointFit.pbc, param = "shared-betasRE")
# a joint model for left censored longitudinal data
# we create artificial left censoring in serum bilirubin
pbc2$CensInd <- as.numeric(pbc2$serBilir <= 0.8)
pbc2$serBilir2 <- pbc2$serBilir
pbc2$serBilir2[pbc2$CensInd == 1] <- 0.8
censdLong <- function (y, eta.y, scale, log = FALSE, data) {
log.f <- dnorm(x = y, mean = eta.y, sd = scale, log = TRUE)
log.F <- pnorm(q = y, mean = eta.y, sd = scale, log.p = TRUE)
ind <- data$CensInd
if (log) {
(1 - ind) * log.f + ind * log.F
} else {
exp((1 - ind) * log.f + ind * log.F)
lmeFit.pbc2 <- lme(log(serBilir2) ~ ns(year, 2), data = pbc2,
random = ~ ns(year, 2) | id, method = "ML")
jointFit.pbc4 <- jointModelBayes(lmeFit.pbc2, survFit.pbc, timeVar = "year",
densLong = censdLong)
# a joint model for a binary outcome
pbc2$serBilirD <- 1 * (pbc2$serBilir > 1.8)
lmeFit.pbc3 <- glmmPQL(serBilirD ~ year, random = ~ year | id,
family = binomial, data = pbc2)
dLongBin <- function (y, eta.y, scale, log = FALSE, data) {
dbinom(x = y, size = 1, prob = plogis(eta.y), log = log)
jointFit.pbc5 <- jointModelBayes(lmeFit.pbc3, survFit.pbc, timeVar = "year",
densLong = dLongBin)
# create start-stop counting process variables
pbc <- pbc2[c("id", "serBilir", "drug", "year", "years",
"status2", "spiders")]
pbc$start <- pbc$year
splitID <- split(pbc[c("start", "years")], pbc$id)
pbc$stop <- unlist(lapply(splitID,
function (d) c(d$start[-1], d$years[1]) ))
pbc$event <- with(pbc, ave(status2, id,
FUN = function (x) c(rep(0, length(x)-1), x[1])))
pbc <- pbc[!$spiders), ]
# left-truncation
pbc <- pbc[pbc$start != 0, ]
lmeFit.pbc <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ drug * ns(year, 2),
random = ~ ns(year, 2) | id, data = pbc)
tdCox.pbc <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ drug * spiders + cluster(id),
data = pbc, x = TRUE, model = TRUE)
jointFit.pbc6 <- jointModelBayes(lmeFit.pbc, tdCox.pbc, timeVar = "year")
## End(Not run)