rjd {JADE}R Documentation

Joint Diagonalization of Real Matrices


This is an R version of Cardoso's rjd matlab function for joint diagonalization of k real-valued square matrices. A version written in C is also available and preferrable.


rjd(X, eps = 1e-06, maxiter = 100, na.action = na.fail)
frjd(X, weight = NULL, maxiter = 100, eps = 1e-06, na.action = na.fail)
frjd.int(X, maxiter = 100, eps = 1e-06)
rjd.fortran(X, weight = NULL, maxiter = 100, eps = 1e-06, na.action = na.fail)



A matrix of k stacked pxp matrices with dimension c(kp,p) or an array with dimension c(p,p,k). In case of frjd_int it has to be an array.


A vector of length k to give weight to the different matrices, if NULL, all matrices have equal weight


Convergence tolerance.


Maximum number of iterations.


A function which indicates what should happen when the data contain 'NA's. Default is to fail.


Denote the square matrices as AiA_i, i=1,,ki=1,\ldots,k. The algorithm searches an orthogonal matrix VV so that Di=VAiVD_i=V'A_iV is diagonal for all ii. If the AiA_i commute then there is an exact solution. Otherwise, the function will perform an approximate joint diagonalization by trying to make the DiD_i as diagonal as possible.

Cardoso points out that notion of approximate joint diagonalization is ad hoc and very small values of eps make in that case not much sense since the diagonality criterion is ad hoc itself.

rjd, frjd and rjd.fortran terminate with an error in case maxiter is reach without convergence whereas frjd_int returns the current state at when maxiter is reached and does not warn about convergence problems.


A list with the components


An orthogonal matrix.


A stacked matrix with the diagonal matrices or an array with the diagonal matrices. The form of the output depends on the form of the input.


The frjd function returns also the number of iterations.


Jean-Francois Cardoso. Ported to R by Klaus Nordhausen. C code by Jari Miettinen


Cardoso, J.-F. and Souloumiac, A., (1996), Jacobi angles for simultaneous diagonalization, SIAM J. Mat. Anal. Appl., 17, 161–164.

Miettinen, J., Nordhausen, K. and Taskinen, S. (2017), Blind Source Separation Based on Joint Diagonalization in R: The Packages JADE and BSSasymp, Journal of Statistical Software, 76, 1–31, <doi:10.18637/jss.v076.i02>.


Z <- matrix(runif(9), ncol = 3)
U <- eigen(Z %*% t(Z))$vectors
D1 <- diag(runif(3))
D2 <- diag(runif(3))
D3 <- diag(runif(3))
D4 <- diag(runif(3))

X.matrix <- rbind(t(U) %*% D1 %*% U, t(U) %*% D2 %*% U,
                  t(U) %*% D3 %*% U, t(U) %*% D4 %*% U)
res.matrix <- rjd(X.matrix)
round(U %*% res.matrix$V, 4) # should be a signed permutation 
                             # matrix if V is correct.

round(res.matrix$D, 4)

# compare to C version

#res.matrix.C <- frjd(X.matrix)
#round(U %*% res.matrix.C$V, 4)
#round(res.matrix.C$D, 4)

X.array <- aperm(array(t(X.matrix), dim = c(3,3,4)), c(2,1,3))

res.array <- rjd(X.array)
round(res.array$D, 4)

res.array.C <- frjd(X.array)
round(res.array.C$D, 4)

res.array.C2 <- frjd.int(X.array)
round(res.array.C2$D, 4)

[Package JADE version 2.0-4 Index]